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South End Schoolhouse

Connecticut Cases

Hotels, Inns, & Museums

'Hotels, Inns, & Museums' includes places such as: hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, inns, cabins, lodges, museums or any other facilities which house guests overnight or hold historic artifacts.

Barnes Museum

Southington, CT - April 12, 2018

E.C.P.S. was contacted by Southington Public Library in Southington, CT for a presentation on paranormal investigations. Because of this, E.C.P.S. wanted to present evidence from Southington to use during the presentation. Therefore, the team asked the library to find possible haunted locations to investigate and were given the contact information for Marie at the Barnes Museum. The museum has had several claims over the years, but no paranormal teams have previously been invited to investigate.

Medium Report

Author: Chris O'Connor

The team and I arrived at the museum at approximately 6:00 PM. We met the caretaker of the museum, Bonnie, in the parking lot and then met the museum director, Marie. The museum was given to the town and library by the last descendant of the name sake, Bradley H. Barnes. We were informed that Mr. Barnes died in 1973 at the age of 93. Along with the home, everything in the house was to stay intact, almost like a time capsule that the modern-day public can learn from and enjoy.
The home is quite large. There are multiple bedrooms, gathering spaces, a solarium (goblet room), music room, parlor, standard kitchen, and summer kitchen.  There was a full attic with its own quarantine room and full basement that held some very old “spirits,” ethanol in nature. There was also a barn that houses the overflow of historical items.

After the meet and greet, the team decided to walk the grounds. We took many pictures and I was able to get a sense of what spirits were there and those that may want to provide us any messages to forward onto the staff.
We were able to gather some objective evidence throughout the night, but I would have to say that this case was more about validation of both visions and messages I received, along with what Dave received emphatically. So, let’s start.
The first vision I received was when I walked to the side of the house that had the second-floor porch. I first heard the women and then saw what I described as a “gaggle” of women all dressed in the finest from the period of the late 19th century. There was an older female whom I identified as the matriarch of the family. She was insisting to her female guests that it was their responsibility to convince their husbands to vote for the man (running for office) her husband wanted to win the election.
I received validation from the staff that the Barnes family was very much into politics and that it was one of the central areas of Southington where such gatherings would happen. The staff couldn’t go as far to state that the eldest Mrs. Barnes told such things to her guests but what they know of her from the diaries left in the house, they could imagine such a thing could take place. We know better don’t we (wink wink)?
The staff took us on a tour of the museum. Dave and Melissa went with Bonnie and I stayed behind with Marie. Throughout the tour, 
two young ladies were following us. They were staying about five paces behind. When I looked back at them, they would put their heads down and giggle. These young ladies were dressed well in attire from the early 20th century. They were little busy bodies, listening to everything Marie and I were saying. When Dave was mentioned, the young ladies would giggle even more. At this moment, Dave was coming up the stairs with a camera and the girls looked at him and turned and quickly walked away.
I laughed and smirked at Dave. I said to him that there are two young ladies interested in meeting the new young suitor. I asked Marie about who these young ladies were. I knew that they weren’t related to the Barnes’ but are attached to the house. Marie explained that Mrs. Sylvia Barnes (if I remember correctly) would invite or welcome newcomers to town or country into her home. She would help them out and in return, they would perform servant type duties. These young women often married into well to do families. Marie stated that they would be treated more like family than servants.
Marie and I concluded the tour and I caught up with the team to help them with the rest of the setup of equipment. Marie took her leave and we went “lights out.” Our first stop was to the barn. As I always do, I started picking up on energy which turned into visions.
We were near the end of investigating the barn when a vision of a young boy around nine or ten appeared with his father. This little boy was so happy to be with his dad, working alongside him, and learning all that he could. This little boy was extremely happy and proud. I saw him struggling to carry his father’s satchel. He helped his father mend fences and care for the horses, and other stable animals. He was genuinely happy to be with his dad.
I explained my vision to Bonnie and asked if there was any relevance to this vision and the property. At first, she wasn’t sure but then remembered the previous caretakers of the property. “Pete and Pete,” Bonnie stated. She explained how Pete (the father) would bring his son to work with him. Eventually, Pete (the son) took over as caretaker.
While we were still in the barn, I kept hearing a clanging sound, like the bell from a trolley. Then I envisioned well-groomed horses pulling a trolley and then a historical movie-like version occurred showing me the progression of the trolley that serviced the town of Southington. When asked, Bonnie confirmed the trolley used to run right in front of the Barnes’ home.

The three of us split off to do solo sessions. During my session, I received multiple visions. My first vision was of a scandal within the family. There seemed to be a conflict between two spirits. One wanted to hide information from another, but the other wanted the story to be told. The other vision was a connection between the Barnes’ and a former President. I felt that there was a letter in the house from Mr. Lincoln. Finally, I felt my throat being closed off, as if I had something stuck in it with some trouble breathing.
The first scandal was validated by the staff of a cousin that suffered from alcoholism. Cousin Eddy eventually died from the disease. The connection between the Barnes’ and a former President is within the collection of the family and is a piece of the death cloth from President Garfield. I mentioned to the staff to keep searching through the correspondence, as there will be a letter from Mr. Lincoln. The feeling of why I felt my throat being cut off and having trouble breathing was explained to us that Alice, Bradley Barnes’ mother, died from consumption or better well known as tuberculosis. 
Each case, Dave and I will go off to perform what we call an energy session, usually in one of the rooms that has high claims of paranormal activity. We chose to go to Bradley Barnes’ bedroom. This was an interesting session for me. While attempting to get spirit activity, I received a vision regarding Bradley’s father Norman Barnes. I feel like a gossip, but this is what I saw: Bradley Barnes walking into a room where he interrupted his father in what I would say was a compromising position with a female. The female was not his wife. I feel that Bradley’s mother Alice, was already passed since Alice died young. Of course, this indiscretion would not have been documented in the countless diaries in the home. What was validated was that there is documentation that Alice’s brother opposed the union of his sister to Norman Barnes because he discovered inappropriate advances from Norman towards Alice.

It came time for me to go into the basement. I didn’t go there during the tour. I decided to go to the basement by myself. I was warned that the ceiling heights were low, so I was to be careful. My first attempt was cut short. I got midway down the stairs and I felt something touch my leg. This startled me, and I immediately returned upstairs (afterward, I debunked this by deciding that my pant leg brushed up against the wall). I wasn’t going to let this stop me, so I returned to the basement and made it to the bottom step. I didn’t explore the basement because I didn’t have a flashlight and I didn’t want to hit my head. 
I stood on the bottom step and asked if there was anyone who wanted to come forward. I immediately received a vision of an angelic being with their arms out stretched. This is a sign telling me that this home is safe and free of evil. During this vision, the angel showed me thousands of monarch butterflies being released along with butterflies that were black with purple/blue wings. They flew away and into the light that was emanating from the angelic being.
I know that the staff has trepidation about going into the basement. I told them of my vision which I hope lessened their feelings about it. I told them about the butterflies. Apparently, the Barnes Museum is connected to an organization for the conservation of the monarch butterfly. The purple/blue butterfly is related to Marie. The butterfly is an icon on her Reiki business card.
So, there it is. This investigation was a lot of fun and very educational. The Barnes Museum is a must visit for those that appreciate history and a wonderful way to discover the times of yesteryears. The spirits that the staff interact with are primarily residual past residents. I believe that Mr. Bradley Barnes is still on the property and interacts with the staff and guests that attend the tours. Mr. Barnes will remain there ensuring that his and his family’s legacy stays intact and available to the public for educational purposes.

Empath Report

Author: David Bray

Before the investigation, I picked up some energy on a woman whose name began with an “L.” For whatever reason, the feeling of “creativity” popped into my mind.
When we arrived at the Barnes Museum around 6:00 PM, I immediately began to feel the massive amount of energy that the home was emitting. I found myself drawn to certain windows from the exterior of the property. I would later learn that the windows I was drawn to, were in fact Emma Barnes’ bedroom and the attic.
After introductions, we were given a tour of the property by Marie and Bonnie. We decided to separate our group to avoid putting excess energy throughout the house (which can interfere with readings). Marie gave Chris his tour while Bonnie gave one to Melissa and me. One of the first things I noticed was the butler’s pantry, as I felt it was giving off a “busy” type of energy. According to Bonnie, this pantry is a hot spot for paranormal activity, and I feel that the spirit(s) who rattle the cabinets in there are doing so out of habit, particularly around dinner time. I did not receive any other empathic messages from the lower level of the house.
However, upstairs was different. Bonnie took Melissa and I upstairs which led to a bedroom and a long hallway. I immediately asked Bonnie if the bedroom in front of us belonged to a female and she confirmed that it belonged to Emma Barnes. I am not sure if Emma was a writer, or enjoyed writing, but I felt as if someone were recording their thoughts in a diary or journal. The hallway proved to be interesting as well in that it gave off a lot of residual energy. I felt happiness, sadness, pensiveness, and even a sense of playfulness while walking down the hall. I would later find out that this hallway is notorious for recreating the sound of footsteps. Residual spirits tend to leave behind traces of energy that repeat common events from their lives in a repetitive fashion and since this hallway was such a busy place, I believe that is why I felt so many emotions upon entering it. Before we left the second level, the “L” name from before the investigation popped back into my head. Only this time, it was clear as day. The name was Leila.

When we entered the attic, I immediately said to Bonnie, “This room has been used for something else, right? Other than storage?” I felt a heavy sensation on my chest, shortness of breath, and a tickle in my throat. Later, Bonnie confirmed that it used to be a contamination room, primarily for tuberculosis.
I received empathic messages of a woman who used to look out of the attic windows. It was later told to me that Leila Barnes had a painting room in the attic and used to stand by the window. The name “Leila” that I received downstairs confirmed the message and my feeling of creativity prior to the investigation. I also received a vision of several men who were loading or moving boxes.
These men were shirtless and sweating as it was a hot summer day. However, I am not sure if there is validation behind this vision, but I was told that it is possible.
Further into the investigation, our team went up into the attic with Marie and Bonnie to perform communication sessions. During this session, we had several hits on the spirit box and caught several EVPs. Unfortunately, the EVPs were mostly inaudible. At one point, I began to hear a music box playing. I asked Marie if there were any music boxes nearby and she confirmed that there were two of them downstairs on the second level. After the session, we ventured down to look and the music box in Leila’s bedroom next to her bed played the exact same tune that I heard in the attic. I am convinced that Leila and I share common traits and she was reaching out to me throughout the night because of this.
During a solo session in the upstairs hallway, I asked the two girls that Chris saw earlier to come forward. I asked them to come sit with me and talk. They would peek around the corners but would not come any closer as they were too shy. I am unsure who these girls are. I simply know they are frequent visitors to the home. It was also during this time that I received a female “C” name with two syllables. My interpretation of this name is “Clara,” but I am not sure if it is relevant to the history of the home or if there was ever a “Clara Barnes.”

Overall, the Barnes Museum is a fantastic and beautiful home with tons of history. It is a must-see museum in the state of Connecticut and ranks as one of the most interesting places I have ever seen. The energy that it gives off is radiant, rich, and profound on many levels. I look forward to re-visiting and hopefully re-investigating the Barnes Museum in the future.


Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found. We took a lot of pictures and had some possible hits, but they were not substantial enough to warrant publication.

Several EVPs were captured during the investigation, but most were inaudible as they were too quiet. Please check our SoundCloud to listen.

After 45 hours of video evidence review, our IR camera that was set up in the Parlor caught this orb.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 - Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box or other item responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

The Barnes Museum received a 'Grade 2' rating because of the direct correspondence between our team and the museum's rich history. We consider the museum to be "spirited" as opposed to "haunted." Keep in mind, there are no malevolent or harmful spirits here. It is a beautiful home full of historical items and a plethora of information. The museum houses tons of residual energy from its use over the years. Every room you enter, every item you touch, and everywhere you look has a story to tell. The energy it gives off is incredible; it is like taking a walk through time.

We are unsure if there are intelligent spirits present in the museum. We did receive a couple intelligent EVPs and Spirit Box responses, but they were not significant enough to make a clear cut determination. To best understand what we experienced, please scroll up to find Chris' medium report and my empath report.​


Case Closed

We would absolutely love to re-investigate the Barnes Museum. We received a lot of information during our investigation, but there are still more questions than answers. Now that we have a general idea of the layout, the history, and have experienced the house's energy - we are positive we can find further evidence of the wonderful spirits that inhabit the home. If you get a chance to visit, please do. It truly is a magnificent museum and the staff is fantastic. They are extremely knowledgeable and friendly, and will welcome you with open arms.

Captain Grant's Inn

Preston, CT - January 22, 2016

Captain Grant's Inn, a rustic and beautiful bed-and-breakfast, finds its home in Preston, CT. For over two centuries, the inn provided refuge and safety to soldiers and travelers alike.
In 1754, Captain William Grant built this remarkable home for his wife Mercy and their children. Even though Captain Grant died at sea, the house served the Grant family for three generations.
During the Revolutionary War, soldiers of the Continental Army were garrisoned there. During the Civil War, escaped slaves were sheltered there; as part of the Underground Railroad. Poquetanuck's oldest cemetery is also located in the woods behind the inn.
In the mid-1990's, the inn went through a significant renovation. It now houses five rooms, six gas fireplaces, and a three-story balcony.
The inn itself has become known for its eerie activity. Each room contains a guestbook which features handwritten accounts from guests whom have encountered unexplained phenomena in the home. One room in particular - the Adelaide Room - is considered the most active room in the house. Such reports from guests talk about hearing footsteps and random knockings throughout the night, seeing full body apparitions, TVs turning off by themselves, children having full conversations with spirits, and more. The owners describe the activity in a positive light and are convinced there are only good spirits present in the home.
Captain Grant's Inn is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and has been featured on several news outlets and TV programs including A&E's "Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal."

Subjective Claims:

Before the initial investigation, he was driving by and saw spirits standing in and around the front of the inn. A young woman gestured him to “come inside.” An African American woman came to him and gave him a message of indiscretion or something secretive happening.  She wanted to tell him, but another spirit that was guiding her told her not to. Another spirit had also visited him and gave him the impression that she was the mistress of the home and was also inviting our group to come and visit. Upon arriving at the inn, he immediately began to get messages and visions. The spirits wanted to clue him in on some of the history of the home. The first vision he received was of a gentleman carrying a young male child wrapped in what he calls “death swaddling.” He got very little information about the man, but the woman that was in the vision was very sad and all he got was that her name began with the letter “M.” The boy’s name was John, Paul, or John Paul.
He also received a message from the mistress that she did not approve of vulgar language, particularly from females.  She said to him, “Females that speak vulgarity are not ladies.” There were also two young females that were in their mid to late teens that were smitten by the two eligible males on the team.  One of them wanted to secretly kiss them so he said, “Go ahead, but don’t let your parents see.”

He was sitting at the dining room table when another spirit appeared between Emily and Melissa. This man was a servant and appeared to be asking or gesturing if there were any needs of the guests. His guess is that he turned and left because he did not get a response.
While in the Adelaide Room, lying with his wife, he felt something touching his hand. He also received a vision of a mother and child coming from the bathroom.  They were standing in the doorway of the bathroom in their nightclothes. The mother was caring for the little girl who was sick.

He experienced cold spots and feelings of being watched, particularly in the attic and the Adelaide Room. Throughout the night, while lying in bed, he heard noises coming from the attic, as if someone was walking around.

Objective Findings:

Before the investigation began, we decided to take a group picture. There are two reasons that we do this.  One is to have a picture for prosperity – the other is to see if there are any more people in the picture other than those who were actually there. Chris asked John, one of the inn’s staff, if he would mind taking the picture. He asked for the group to be in front of the painting of the sea captain. Sure enough, after reviewing all of the photos that were taken, our guest investigator Anna noticed someone else in one of the pictures. We reviewed this picture and concluded that there is a reflection in the window that resembles the sea captain. Our professional opinion is that the captain was standing next to John while he took the picture.

While taking photos in the dining room, David captured a photo of “Cat’s Eyes.” They seem to be traveling in pairs.

While in the attic, Melissa stated that she felt extremely cold. As she said this, David took a picture and captured a photo of an orb.

Several EVPs were captured by our audio devices. Most of these were intelligent responses to questions that were being asked.

In the Elizabeth Room, it looks like a manifestation began to occur, but suddenly dissipated. No one was in the room at the time.

While in the attic, Dave, Melissa, and Emily were using a flashlight to communicate with the spirits of the inn. Throughout their time, they had a full conversation with the spirits of two children who were fascinated by the flashlight. The flashlight turned on in an intelligent fashion in response to specific questions and specific questions only.


Paranormal Level: Grade 4 - Objective findings include evidence captured by a photo or video of a partial or full-body apparition. This can be a “shadow person” or a mist with the clear definition of a body. This also includes apparitions that are caught in reflections of windows and/or mirrors. This also can be video evidence of body imprints on chairs or beds as well as foot and hand prints on hard surfaces.
There is evidence of non-aggressive behavior or interaction with a spirit or spirits. For example, there is clear documentation of tugging on clothing or playing with hair. There is evidence of objects moving and/or poltergeist activity.

We want to start off by saying what a wonderful and beautiful place this is.  Captain Grant’s Inn is a must stay for anyone; even more for paranormal investigators.  The owners and staff were extremely nice and generous towards all of us.

Overall, Captain Grant’s Inn receives a paranormal ‘Grade 4’ rating. As far as we can tell, there are no malevolent or evil spirits inhabiting the inn. The inn is a friendly, warm environment with plenty of residual and intelligent spirits present. They are curious, friendly, and willing to communicate. They may spook you from time to time, but they mean no harm.
Captain Grant’s was an amazing experience and a great stay for everyone. The amount of evidence retrieved along with personal subjective experiences made this investigation well worth it. We would definitely recommend the inn to anyone for the New England charm and certainly for any paranormal team that wants to investigate without being let down. We’d like to thank the owners for allowing our team to come and investigate the inn.


Case Closed

Our team would love to return to Captain Grant’s Inn someday; not only for investigation purposes, but as a means to enjoy a weekend with our loved ones. It truly is a beautiful place.
If the owners will have us, we’ll be back again to try and attain more evidence of the spirits that inhabit the inn.

Southington Historical Society & Old South End Schoolhouse

Southington, CT - September 28, 2019

Staff from the Southington Historical Society asked us to investigate their museum and old schoolhouse after they heard about our investigations of the Barnes Museum. They wanted to see if they had any spirits and if we could validate some of the historical information surrounding the property.

Subjective Claims:

He believed the museum was an educational establishment prior to becoming a museum. He received a vision of a woman directing people to go in the rotunda. Sylvia Barnes came forward and was present during the visit. There were multiple attachments to items in the museum.

He believed the museum was a library or school before becoming a museum. He received a vision of a woman filing either books or letters away. The building next door drew his attention as a possible location of spiritual activity.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

There were a lot of intelligent responses through the Spirit Box with relevance to the history of the property and the team.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 - Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box or other item responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

We started out our night at the Old South End Schoolhouse which is a couple miles away from the historical society. Paranormal aside, it was a journey into the past. It was a single classroom with children's desks, a podium, and a chalkboard. Think "Little House on the Prairie." We spent time looking at different items, sitting at desks, and examining the chalkboard in hopes to draw some activity forward. At one point, we had our guest investigator Bonnie act like a teacher - she drew on the chalkboard, lectured, and asked questions. We kept our recorder on in case any of the children decided to answer.

During this, Chris was sitting in the back meditating and receiving visions. He told me to help the little girl in the front row, so I went over to the desk, and asked her what she needed help with. Of course, at the time there was no response as I was talking to an empty desk, but in playback, our recorder picked up the sound of a little girl saying "Help."

At the historical society, we unfortunately had too many people present. Investigating state or town buildings is tough because staff must always be there, adding to the amount of people contaminating evidence. I believe we had six or seven people. The building is also creaky, so anybody who was walking around at all got picked up by the audio recorders.

We investigated nearly every room including the basement, employee area, and storage areas. We performed EVP and Spirit Box sessions everywhere we went and attained possible communication in all rooms, but the "Southington Room."

We were able to validate that the museum was in fact tied to education in the past, but we could not confirm which spirits were present. The amount of items in the building made that hard though, as they were giving off energies from all different eras and time periods.


Case Closed

Thank you to the staff at the Southington Historical Society for allowing us to investigate their museum. It was truly a fascinating experience and we highly recommend a visit for anyone reading this. It is a very informative place run by great people.

Windham Inn

November 13, 2021

E.C.P.S. was invited to be the first ever paranormal research team to investigate the historic Windham Inn.

This 200+ year-old property has tons of history behind it, including formerly operating as a tavern, a hotel, and an apartment complex. The Inn is known to be a primary location for paranormal activity which was experienced by numerous tenants and visitors over the years.

Among the claims is the famous story of Elizabeth Shaw, a young woman who was hanged for giving birth to a baby boy, and leaving him in the woods to die. Those woods are located just behind the Inn.

Eastern CT Paranormal Society went in to this investigation to discover if there was any truth to the claims of Elizabeth's fate, and if there were in fact, paranormal happenings occurring all these years.

Empath Report:

Author: David Bray

The first time I visited the Windham Inn was to receive a tour from one of the property owners. Since the Inn is completely condemned and has no running water or electricity, we felt it best to view the layout in the daytime. That way, we could gather preliminary information, pictures, videos, and discuss any safety concerns beforehand. We also performed an electromagnetic field (EMF) sweep to ensure that there would be absolutely no interference on our devices or equipment.
Before we went inside, I walked around the building and took pictures. While doing so, I picked up on the energy of a woman. This woman was young, possibly a teenager or in her early 20s. She seemed sad, yet somehow content at the same time. She was watching me from a wooded area by the road (to the left of the Inn). She let me know she was there and then moved on as quickly as she came.
As I finished my perimeter walk of the property, I moved to the front entrance to go inside. As soon as I took a step inside, I was instantly pulled to the third floor. For some reason, this apartment was calling to me. There was a story that needed to be told or verified, and the spirits wanted my help in doing so. I told them I would be back at a later date and that they could give me their messages then. Their energy was pleasant, and I was intrigued to know their story.
After the walkthrough concluded, we discussed some logistics with the property owner and planned to come back another night to perform the investigation.
The night of the investigation was dark and stormy. Some would say it was a perfect setting for a paranormal investigation, however, it did provide some challenges. For one, the rain and thunder produced a lot of extraneous noise that needed to be accounted for and two, the lightning added random flashes of light to the darkness of the Inn, that also needed to be accounted for. As a professional paranormal team, we try to control as many confounding variables as possible during an investigation. The environment always proves to be spontaneous and unpredictable, so we do what we can with what we have. On the positive side, thunderstorms produce a lot of energy for spirits to latch onto that they can use to come forward and interact. The latter is what we were hoping would happen during our time there.
We set up base camp in one of the apartments on the main floor along with our video equipment throughout the Inn. After everything was finalized, we started the investigation.
I began by tuning in to my surroundings. I asked God and my spirit guides to give me clarity and focus throughout the night and told the spirits that if there was anything they wanted me to know, or if there was any way in which I could help them, that they may communicate with me directly. I also asked God for permission to investigate the property and to offer my thanks for the opportunity to help preserve the Inn. For me, it is a blessing and an honor to be able to do what I do, and I wish to help as many people as I possibly can. For this investigation, I hoped I could shed some light on any questionable history or even verify some paranormal claims for the property owners.
I started by projecting my energy toward the third floor, and after my meditation, I received a name: Margaret. This spirit is associated with the upstairs apartment. I observed a vision in which there were kids running around and playing pranks on the tenants. They were harmless, but significant enough to be noticed. I’m assuming that whoever lived there at one time may have found that their items would move or rearrange on their own, or outright disappear completely. These kids would play hide and seek as well, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the tenants also heard inexplicable noises coming from different rooms. In my opinion, these children are harmless. I’m not sure if they lived there at some point, or died nearby, but regardless, they visit the Inn and have a strong liking to the third floor. I believe that one of the little girls’ names is Margaret. I’m hoping that Eli’s research can shed some light on this vision or offer confirmation on the matter. I’m confident that the children here just wanted to let me know that they enjoy the Inn and its layout offers them joy, even in death.
Throughout the night, there were a lot of spirits coming forward. As a clairsentient medium, I feel as though I’m a beacon of light in the darkness, and they all spot me and instantly want to tell me their stories. It can be overwhelming, so I use a process by which I can filter through the messages and prioritize the most important, or necessary ones first.
The most significant spirit that came forward happened while I was sitting at base camp on the main floor. The same woman that I saw during my initial visit came forward again. This time however, I picked up strongly on her emotions. She was afraid and scared. She had anxiety and fear. I could see her panicking, trying to hide her emotions. Of course, my first thought was “Why?” She wouldn’t tell me. I asked for her name and got no response to that question either.
Upon further meditation, I received another vision. This time, I was shown the young woman being taken out of a house by a couple of men. It reminded me of the Salem Witch Trials; a witch hunt. They were screaming at her and holding her so tightly that her wrists had bruises. The woman was turning toward what I presume to be her father, but the men kept whisking her away and jerking her violently. The father figure barely reacted to the sight or actions of what was happening. They were accusing her of something very serious and he didn’t seem to care. I thought that odd, and I didn’t fully understand what I was seeing in the moment, but I felt that they were either taking her away or exiling her from the community. I thought maybe it had to do with religion, but then I received the image of a shawl.
At first, I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why this woman kept showing me a shawl. She was sitting down and just kept gesturing toward it, almost as if to say “Look!” Except I was looking, and I couldn’t figure out the message! Finally, I calmed my inner frustration down and listened intently. I received these words in this order: baby, death, murdered.
Suddenly, the shawl made sense. I envisioned a baby wrapped in a shawl. It was her baby. I thought she was trying to tell me that her baby died or was killed somehow, and once I tuned in on this information, I began to question her further, pleading for her name. Finally, she gave it to me: Elizabeth. At first, I questioned myself. “Elizabeth” feels like a common name, one that I could pull out of thin air quite easily, but the more I sat with it, the more I was sure that that was in fact, her name. Then it hit me. Elizabeth was using the image of the shawl to give me not only her story, but also her last name. At one point, I asked myself if “shawl” was actually supposed to be “Shaw.” Elizabeth Shaw.
I did not get confirmation of the fact that Elizabeth Shaw was a common sighting around the Inn until later in the night. At this point in time, I was still questioning things and sorting through information in my head. I knew her baby died, and I knew a bunch of men were taking her away. I eventually put two and two together and came up with the conclusion that she was being accused of killing her baby or for fornication outside of marriage. After all, this was a young woman and I wasn’t receiving any indication of a husband in the picture. It’s possible to me that her anxiety and pensiveness arose from her fear of being found pregnant because she knew what would happen – she knew how people in the community would react.
But did she kill her baby or did someone else? Was it an accident? To these questions, I had no answers. I believe the baby was a boy, and I believe it’s possible that she had him, panicked, and either smothered him, or simply left him to die hoping no one would find out. I’m assuming some of the townspeople were aware of her pregnancy and told someone, or she was betrayed by someone close to her. To me, this would validate her sense of sadness and guilt the first time she appeared to me. I’m also not sure if she fully understood the implications of her actions.
The only other spirit that was prevalent throughout the night was a man whose name started with a “G,” but he would not provide me his name, or his purpose for being there. He was a businessman, dressed in a suit. He reminded me of a stern and traditional masculine figure. If we investigate another time, I would like to tune in to this spirit’s energy more to see if he is willing to communicate.
Overall, my experience at the Windham Inn was very positive. Despite the cold, it was a wonderful investigation that provided a lot of insight into the community and the spirits that inhabit the region. I get the sense that the Windham Inn has seen many tenants over its years. It looks like a beautiful space that absolutely should be preserved and restored to its former glory. I’m hoping that our investigation can help bring some attention to this cause and shed some light on the paranormal activity that is said to take place at the Inn. It wouldn’t surprise me if the spirits also make their presence known in other buildings on the street, or possibly even on the street itself.
I can honestly say I hope to revisit the Windham Inn sometime in the future. My team and I are always willing to help whenever and however we can. Hopefully, in a future investigation, we can pick up where we left off and keep digging at the story behind Elizabeth Shaw and separate the fact from the fiction.

Medium Report

Author: Chris O'Connor

I have been passing by the Inn for at least 20 years. I found the Inn very intriguing. Every time I would pass by it, I would see spirits. Some of them were residual spirits and from time to time, I would see spirits that knew that I could see them. I knew very little about the Inn, other than it was (or used to be) apartments. The spirits I saw were from many timelines. I saw people from the 18th, 19th, and the 20th century. I saw the Inn with an impressive porch and carriage house. The spirits were also many races. There were Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic spirits. I was thrilled when the preservation group agreed to let us investigate.

The Inn has no facilities, and because the investigation was going to happen in the evening, we decided that a walkthrough would be helpful. The walkthrough allowed us to get a layout of the Inn and identify any safety concerns. The walkthrough also allowed us to get baseline readings and for David and I to connect with the Inn for any possible spirit activity.
The Windham Inn is large. There are three levels in the main building in addition to a full basement. There is also an apartment that may have been converted from an old carriage house. Each room was in obvious disrepair. The Inn has been vacant for 20+ years and was condemned.
When I arrived at the Inn, I immediately connected with it. I brought myself back to the time it was built and inhabited and watched as if I were watching a movie. I saw all sorts of travelers coming and going. I saw people walking from the mercantile that is now the post office. I looked around the entire area and saw interactions from many of the homes in the area. I saw the Inn as I progressed through time. I saw families moving in and out. I saw young adults sitting on the porch reading. The best way I can describe my experience is, it was like a scene from “The Time Machine.” This isn’t uncommon for me to be shown these images. The Inn is very old and possesses a lot of energy.
While Eli was gathering information from our host, David and I walked around the property. I can only speak for myself, but for the most part, the energy was good. However, there was an area of the property that possessed sad energy: the area behind the Inn on the left side (if you were standing in front of the Inn). I picked up on drug deaths and other deaths that occurred on the property. One of the spirits eventually showed up, but I will talk about him later in the report.
There were rooms I wanted to check out once we went inside. I can’t tell you how overwhelming it was being drawn to go inside. I guess it could be contributed to my excitement, but when I went inside, it made more sense. Our host opened the door to the Inn and there was such an energy that was meeting us. I even think David and I looked at each other before going in. As soon as I stepped into the foyer of the Inn, I was greeted by a young woman, maybe in her early 20s. She was about four to five steps up on the first set of stairs, gesturing me to follow. I acknowledged her but I also was being called to the room to the right as you first walk in. There, I met a middle-aged man in uniform. He was standing near the fireplace and was holding a cup. I assumed it was filled with some type of alcohol because he invited me to join him. I drew pictures of both the young woman and the man in the uniform that will be included with this report.
We continued to walk through the apartment that was to the right and this is where I picked up on another spirit. I believe this spirit was one the Inn’s keepers. This man gave me the impression that I was entering his living quarters.
From the right side of the inn, we moved to the left side. David was already on that side and as I came into the room, he darted out of the room behind this one. David didn’t like that room and for good reason. I felt a heaviness as I went into the room as well. In fact, I hesitated, composed myself, and walked in. This room is where the story of a young woman was beginning to unfold. It wasn’t made clear to me right away, but I could tell there was not a happy ending to this young woman’s life. This side of the Inn had a lot of sad energy. Sometime in the history of the Inn, a young family mourned the loss of a child.
We decided to go to the basement from here. The stairs to the basement were slanted and needed to be used with caution. As most basements are, this basement also had the typical oppressed feeling. I can usually weed through that. This time, the air and the surroundings were heavy. I could tell there were spirits hiding. The basement wasn’t a malevolent place. It was just filled with such sadness. I even asked our host if she was aware of any claims or “wrong doings” in the basement. We continued walking toward the back of the basement and in a corner near a trunk were a group of spirits squatted down with their arms folded over their heads, hiding from me. These spirits were poorly dressed, shivering, filthy, and emaciated. I asked if I could help, but I could tell they didn’t trust me. They were confused as to how I could see them. There is a drawing of what I saw in the report.
From the basement, we moved to the second floor. The second floor, like the first, was divided up into different apartments. Not every room had palpable energy. The one apartment that did was the one that had the fireplace in it. This apartment held both good and bad energy. There was a young couple that was from the time of the Inn and there was a family from when it was an apartment. The family included a mother, father, and a boy. This family was residual. The other couple from the time period of the Inn had a story to tell.
This couple stayed at the Inn while they were on their way through Windham. The way they were dressed, I would put them from the early 19th century. How the story goes: the couple set out from the Inn and due to weather trouble, they lost control of their wagon and perished in the crash. Their last residence was the Inn, so they returned. I suspect when there were occupants in this space, they experienced voices, hearing movement, and saw doors and windows opening.
We concluded our tour on the third floor. This floor was more open than the first two floors. Again, I experienced more residual energy. There weren’t any spirits reaching out to get my attention. You can see all the way to the first floor from the third floor. When I looked down the stairs, I could see the woman that greeted me when I walked in.
Our host invited us back to her home, which was two houses down. She also lived in a historical home. My team and I were discussing the plans for the investigation and the future presentation when the spirit of a woman came forward from the room behind where we were sitting and looked at me asked, “Are you going to stay at the Inn?” There is a connection between the woman I met earlier and the Inn. I suspect there will be some research on our end to help to answer that question.
The Investigation                                                                                            
During the day of the investigation, I was able to connect to the Inn. While I was connected, a female whispered in my ear, “I was a criminal in life, I am a criminal in death.” She proceeded to show me how she died. She was either lynched or hanged for her crimes. Also, while I was connecting, someone (male) was asking me, “Where is she hiding?” I messaged Eli with what I experienced.
We arrived at the Inn around 5:00 PM. Our photographer, Linda, couldn’t make the walkthrough meeting, so she began taking pictures of the outside of the Inn. There was one more apartment that we had to look at. We were unable to go through on our first visit. Our host let us in and gave us the tour. This apartment had some residual energy of a vagrant that was able to get in and sleep. The vagrant didn’t technically die here, but he did overdose in this building.
Linda continued getting baseline photos of the inside of the Inn. As I was walking through the Inn with her, I came across the same spirits that I did on my first visit and a couple more. While in the basement, more of the same spirits were there as well. I acknowledged them and told them they can move on if they want.
There was another room on the second floor where Linda accidently opened an exterior door. When she did, I received another vision of a man doing drugs on the floor. I said to her that a lot of drugs had been taken in this room. This vision will need to be verified.
Linda finished taking baseline pictures and the rest of the team was done re-familiarizing themselves to the Inn and was set up for the investigation. It was just getting dark with a storm coming in. We decided this would be a suitable time to go to dinner.
We arrived back to the Inn and began our investigation. We started in Apartment 2. This is the room where I met the military man in uniform. I brought a bottle of whiskey as a trigger object in hopes that he would communicate with us, or maybe even move the bottle. Eli and I sat at the table and David sat in a chair closer to the door, and Linda was walking around taking photos. I began connecting to the spirits that wanted to interact with us. I asked for names so I could address them properly, and I received plenty of them. The first name I received was Elizabeth. She didn’t tell me her name, but a man named George did. I also received the names John, Charles, Tyrus, Priscilla, Mary, Samuel, and a Jeremy or Jeremiah. All these names will need to be researched. Among all these names, Elizabeth was the most prominent.
I asked Elizabeth to speak with me and tell me her story. Strongly, she was the woman who whispered in my ear. I asked her, “Did you whisper in my ear earlier?” I didn’t receive a verbal response but more like a gesture, acknowledging yes, she did. I asked her, “What was your crime?” She didn’t tell me at first. I asked, “Were you hanged for your crimes?” (referring to my earlier messages). Still no response. However, what happened next was weird. I asked Eli, “Was Sam Huntington involved with this Inn?” Eli quickly turned around and so did Elizabeth. Eli replied that yes, he was.
The room to the left of the main entrance was ominous. I’m not sure if this is where Elizabeth’s energy resides primarily or not. Elizabeth is more connected to the land than the Inn itself. Elizabeth’s story has been kept alive and therefore became centered around the Inn. One part of Elizabeth’s story was that this was not the first time she had killed. This is the first time she was caught. I also gathered that Elizabeth was delayed or mentally incapacitated. If this was modern times, she may have been diagnosed as autistic. I gathered she knew right from wrong but her choice to do the wrong thing was due to her abilities to understand right from wrong.
The military man I encountered on my first visit was there as well. He was an intelligent spirit because he walked around the room we were in and would walk to room(s) behind that room. He liked his alcohol. He did say he frequented the Inn and would stay here whenever he traveled. This is probably why he stays at the Inn.
The woman who greeted me when I was first there showed herself shortly after we began investigating. I noticed her when she walked into the room and walked around David. She slid her hand across his back and at the same time, David reacted. I mentioned to Eli that she was the woman that I drew. She didn’t give me much information though. I picked up on the name “Priscilla,” but she didn’t confirm.
The spirits in the basement bothered me the most. They seemed to not have a voice or would not speak. They were horrified that I could see them. The energy they gave off was their fear of being caught and therefore being punished. As much as I tried to reassure them that I was there to help them, they did not trust me or anyone else. If we go back to investigate in the future, I want to spend time with them, working to gain their trust and hopefully help them to move on if they wish. These spirits are extremely sad and in despair. If anyone that goes to the basement has the slightest empathetic ability, they will feel these emotions. Visitors may also hear moaning or crying. The scurrying noises you hear may be them as well.
We moved to the second floor and gathered more audio evidence. There were times the previous occupants would come through. The couple that I mentioned earlier that was from the time of the Inn, stay there because they either don’t want to leave because of their love of the Inn, or they don’t know how to leave. It is the fact that the Inn was the last happy place they were at prior to their death so, therefore they stay. This apartment was the one with the three-sided fireplace. Any of the residents probably heard laughter, walking, experienced objects being moved, and doors opening and closing. The couple did say that they were spotted by a family living there when it was apartments.
There was a space toward the back of the Inn where I encountered the unpleasant vision of drug use. When we have the reveal, I want to ask about that. I could see this individual using drugs. Sometimes they were smoking, and other times, they were using needles. I also saw flashing lights. These could be from police or ambulances.
We continued to the third floor. This floor had more positive energy. I brought myself back to before the Inn was apartments and saw the grandeur of this space. I was made aware this space was supposedly the ballroom. I saw it more as the meeting place for the townspeople. I could hear different conversations. Some were political in nature. Some were ladies’ organizations. As years went by, I could see children running about. I saw the residual energy of multiple families gathering. There is a closet or storage area at the top of the stairs that a young boy was hiding from a group of children in. I saw plenty of celebrations, not just in this space but throughout the Inn. I am trying to fight the emotion one has at Christmas because of this time of year, but I see and feel the holiday cheer.
We moved back down to the first floor. It was getting late, and the temperature dropped to an uncomfortable level. I walked around the first floor to see what other information I could gather. Again, the space to the left was just creepy. This is a space I also want to focus my energy. I want to know why Elizabeth’s energy was so prevalent on this side. There may have been some cause for it. I am only speculating but maybe one of the past residents heard of Elizabeth and had their own séance or Ouija board session and brought her forward and she remained ever since. Again, this is only speculative and further investigation is required.
As many times with past investigations, this one leaves us with more questions than answers. I would like to come back to get more information about Elizabeth and the couple on the second floor. I would love to help the spirits in the basement. I would spend a lot of time there.
I want to thank our host for allowing us to investigate and hopefully in the Spring, we can return. The preservation team or anyone going into the Inn may experience activity. If they do, they should not be alarmed. At no point did I feel any malevolent or dark energy. As work commences on the Inn, you can rely on some type of spiritual encounters.

Objective Findings:

We captured one photo that is currently deemed unexplained. Taken from the outside, a shadow figure appears in a second-floor window. This photo could not be debunked and no explanation can be logically concluded.

Many EVPs and Spirit Box responses were recorded. Both residual and intelligent spirits seem to inhabit the Inn.

An unexplained partial apparition was caught on an IR camera on the first floor in Apartment #2. This video could not be reproduced or debunked by the team.


Paranormal Level: Grade 3 – Objective findings include evidence of a manifestation (non-orbs) captured by a photo or video. Audible sounds or voices can be heard by human ears and are documented on an audible device.

We were able to validate that Elizabeth Shaw does in fact inhabit the region of the Windham Inn. Although she is most likely not a part of the Inn itself, she is definitely making her presence known there, since she was hanged not far away.

We can conclude that there are many intelligent and residual spirits there as well. They are harmless and may make themselves known to tenants or workers.

Please see the Medium and Empath Reports above for more information, and visit our Patreon to see the evidence.


Active Case

Our plan for this case is to perform more investigations and try to answer some of the questions we have. We plan to educate anyone who may enter the Inn that the spirits are harmless, and teach them how to co-exist together.

Likewise, the Windham Preservation Group is trying to raise money to remodel the Inn, or at least keep it preserved for its historical value. We will continue trying to fundraise and bring awareness to this effort.

Eastern Connecticut Paranormal Society
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