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Demonology FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Demonology?

Demonology is defined as: the study of demons, including the theology, philosophy, and belief in demons.

What is Demonolatry?

Demonolatry is defined as: the worship of demons.

What are demons?

The answer to this question really depends on how you look at it. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different religions and cultures that have varying opinions on what demons are.


According to Christian theology, demons represent literal beings that were thrown out of Heaven for rejecting God. They are fallen angels, which means they also represent similar characteristics to angels: spiritual, immutable, and immortal. Although many people believe demons are omniscient, that is not the case. They are limited in their powers to what God allows.


Each demon contains a specific knowledge of one or more subjects, which is why in several occult practices and Pagan traditions, demonic entities are summoned for purposes of Familiarity. Many Pagan traditions believe and assert that demons are archetypes of our subconscious minds or egregores, and can be called upon for aid.


Others believe that demons are simply a type of intelligent, chaotic energy that is a force of nature in and of itself, and is the cause of entropy, disease, and all violent forces in the universe. Some scholars also believe that demons are not literal beings or natural forces at all, but Biblical metaphors for disease, famine, etc.

What is a Demonologist? Can I become one?

A demonologist is: a person who studies demons and the belief of demons.


Can you become one? The short answer to your question is, probably not.


This is a very hot topic for us because the paranormal community is littered with self-proclaimed demonologists and religious experts.


In theory, the very term "demonologist" simply refers to one who studies demons, or demonology. Although many in the field would like you to believe that they hold mystical powers and can exorcise demons at will, that is not what demonology is solely about. The study of demonology is a subset of theology, and needs to be studied scientifically and historically, as well as from a spiritual perspective.


There are those in the field who claim to be "religious demonologists," which are apparently a pay grade above your average demonologist. Be wary. These people claim to be religiously trained in exorcising and cleansing homes, properties, and people of demonic oppression or possession, usually from a Catholic angle. Now granted, there are some legitimate demonologists in the field whom have years of experience and have trained with world-renowned bishops and other religious clergy, but the term itself is not accurate.


The biggest problem is that there are no accrediting bodies or degrees awarded for the study of demonology (that I know of). How can there be? Demons aren’t classified as a scientific definition and are mere theory. If they are real, we have no idea what they are, and we can’t very well put them into a double blind, controlled study where we can replicate their procedures. Point being, anyone can wake up tomorrow morning and award themselves the title of “religious demonologist.” It is within my belief that a true exorcist is chosen for his/her role through various life circumstances and struggles that led them into that position in the first place. Becoming a demonologist/exorcist is an academic pursuit as much as a religious one, if not more.


Think about it from a spiritual perspective as well. Why would anyone want to put themselves and their loved ones at risk dealing with the demonic everyday of their lives? The principle makes no sense unless someone is in it for the wrong reasons, i.e. thrill seekers with minimal or informal training.


We see this all the time in other fields as well. There are some people that simply aren’t meant to be physicians but are anyway; maybe they did it for the money or prestige. There are police officers who get off from their authoritative position over others. There are lawyers who could care less about their clients. That is just human nature, but the analogy applies to demonology as well.


So, can you become a demonologist? Yes, you can. But you need formal education and experience. Can you become a religious demonologist? No, the term doesn't truly exist.


Cue the reader who says, “I am the Chosen One.”

What are the credentials to becoming a demonologist?

As mentioned previously, none. There are no credentials or accrediting bodies or degrees on the subject. The law states that religious degrees do not have to be accredited, which is why you see so many online universities, small schools, and organizations offering classes on the topic.


When education is accredited, you can be sure that each graduate received approximately the same training, knowledge base, and put in the necessary hours to receive their degrees in their field of study. However, without accreditation, we can’t keep track of who knows what – leading to a ton of fraudulence, poor education, and far-out theories.


Often, we see advanced degrees being offered by these establishments. In 1 year of online schooling, without a Bachelor’s Degree, you can receive a Master’s or Doctorate in Divinity, Ministry, or Theology. Say what? This makes no sense.


Herein lies part of the problem, where titles are more important than actual time spent in the classroom. Do you know how many “doctors” there are in the paranormal community? Sadly, too many. Can you imagine one of these people standing next to a PhD who put in 8-10 years of hard work to get that title? It's insulting.

Do not assume I am saying all religious degrees are bogus. That is not the case. Religious education is fantastic, if taken at a true seminary school or college/university.

When should someone contact you or a demonologist for help?

Demonic hauntings are extremely rare. Please do not buy into the nonsense that demonic infestations are happening at 321 different houses in your neighborhood over the past 4 years (a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point).


First and foremost, if signs and symptoms of a true demonic haunting are presenting themselves, it is up to a paranormal team to gain evidence. The team should in no way go in with the assumption the activity in the home is demonic. Once evidence is obtained in direct correlation with religious provocation and all medical and psychiatric prognoses are ruled out, then a demonologist can be contacted.


But heed my warning, do your research. Make sure your contact is educated at a legitimate university and/or has been taught by real, experienced religious clergy members.

Who has the authority to exorcise demons?

According to Christianity, the only one with the authority to exorcise demons is God/Jesus Christ. However, the Bible explicitly states that all Christians have the ability to cast out demons, if their faith in Him is true. So, can we as human beings cast out demons? Yes – through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. You don’t need special training or education to rid your life of demonic influences, you simply need a strong faith in Him. Intent is everything.


However, this topic does get a bit more complicated if you're not a Christian. I won't get into too much detail here, but long story short, it is the client who rids themselves of demonic influences through the empowerment and direction of their own will, energy, and intent.

Why is it so hard to rid my life/home of demonic influence?

Demons are very powerful beings. Our physical sense of time and our physical laws do not govern them. They have been around for eons. In that time frame, they have become masters of observation, cunning, and deceit. They are patient and know how to manipulate extremely well. We are foolish to assume we can outsmart a demon in the little time we’ve spent here on Earth.


Also, we are human and are subject to human flaws. We may believe that our faith is true, but our subconscious mind (which we are completely unaware of) plays a huge role in these deep-seated beliefs. It can be a frustrating thing to consciously think your faith is strong, when your subconscious says differently. Often, in situations like these, certified hypnotherapists or psychologists are recommended to help a client heal the subconscious mind before a true cleansing can occur. Exorcisms are very profound experiences for the afflicted. They often require facing yourself, your true Self, and manifesting the proper energies to purge the demonic forces.


Exorcisms are lengthy processes. Demonic hauntings may be extremely rare, but it’s even rarer that exorcisms are successful the first time around. In many cases, it takes weeks, months, or years to find a solution – a true nightmare for all involved.

What tools are used to combat demonic entities?

It depends on the individual performing the cleansing.

According to the Christian doctrine and the Roman Ritual, Scripture from the Bible is read aloud in conjunction with Holy Water and Holy Oil. Sometimes myrrh and frankincense are used as additives as well.


It varies by faith and religious belief. The Native Americans use white sage and Palo Santo (Holy Wood), other traditions use white candles, mantras, and different types of salt. However, for the purposes of this simple FAQ, I won’t be getting into any of these alternatives.

If anyone can perform an exorcism, why is religious clergy or a demonologist needed?

Positive energy and love are the strongest energies, overcoming all else. Priests have dedicated their lives to helping others and serving God, therefore they are (usually and supposed to be) very powerful mediums of positive energy. Their devotion to their faith also means they are typically “more powerful” and have a closer connection to God than most.


A true demonologist/exorcist is chosen much the same way that a priest is chosen. The same concept applies to them. An exorcist is simply an instruction manual or a tool that is used to guide the afflicted toward healing themselves.

Why do demons do what they do?

Again, it depends on your beliefs, but we truly don’t know.


From a Christian standpoint, demons are fallen angels. Therefore, they were cast out of Heaven and will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, along with Satan after a thousand years.


Their hatred for God’s creation, aka Mankind, is beyond comprehension. One theory is that demons are trying to bring us down with them out of spite – knowing that after a thousand years, God will cast them into Hell for all eternity. But if demons are explicitly trying to lead us away from God and toward sin, it doesn’t make sense unless they truly believe their side can win. Therefore, the “I’m going to drag you down with me” argument isn't very logical.


A better theory is that Satan and his demons must believe they can win. If Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and Lucifer was the most prideful of all, then it makes sense. It is truly up to you to form your own interpretation of why demons are so destructive and malevolent, but really, no one knows.

The Christian Church also quite literally demonized many Pagan gods, and made them out to be awful in nature, when that isn't technically the case. Many of the listed demons were once known as gods of fertility or agriculture. They were worshipped because they helped people.

It is also entirely possible that demons are not good or evil at all - they are simply forces of nature that can be accessed and harnessed for good or bad.

Can a deceased person become a demon?

No, they cannot. Demons have never had a human form much in the same way that angels have never had a human form. They are inhuman spirits of extremely low vibrational energy and were created before Mankind.

How do you differentiate between a demon and a malevolent (human) entity?

Demons can be tricky and are masters of manipulation. They can appear as human spirits, often to gain the trust of a person or persons. This is usually how they gain entry into your life, home, or body.


Demonic hauntings have a wide range of “symptoms,” but are usually violent and react strictly to religious provocation. In many cases, they can follow whom they have attached to and have free reign of our physical world. It is not uncommon for a demonic spirit to remain elusive at first and hide in the shadows. They would much prefer to remain undetected and make you believe they are not there, or that your client is mentally ill.


A good paranormal team will implore protective methods for themselves and their loved ones before entering any home with supposed activity. If technology cannot capture evidence of a demonic spirit, then mediums, empaths, and other psychics may be helpful in determining the true nature of activity. Keep in mind though that demons are far more intelligent than you’d expect. They can fool mediums too.


It is often a very lengthy process to determine a true demonic haunting. They are also extremely rare. Never assume it is demonic either, for you begin to subconsciously invite them into your lives if they are not already present.


Malevolent (human) entities are more easily picked up by psychic mediums, empaths, etc. They cannot manipulate their energies as well as demons can, simply because they were once human and were part of our physical plane. Activity is also (usually) more sporadic and can be linked to the history of a home or person. Religious provocation may or may not have an effect as well.

How do demonic hauntings begin? Whom do they target?

They don’t seem to target individuals based on a specific race, religion, or gender. However, in our experience, true demonic hauntings tend to target individuals with significant past trauma and/or mental illness, with also correlates with loss of faith.


What better way is there for a demon to disguise itself than to hide behind a mental condition? They want Mankind to believe they are fictional. They want Mankind to ignore them and attribute their prowess to mental illness. It’s easy when humans are so easily fooled.


“Significant trauma” generally involves a history of abuse (physical or sexual), addiction, or unhealthy habits. It is a broad category, but anything that leaves a person in a fragile, broken, and vulnerable state – leaves an opportunistic approach for demons to latch onto. They are a chaotic, low-vibrational energy that can be summoned accidentally if you're not careful.


Remember, demons are malevolent. They don’t play fair. They will kick you when you’re down and when you’re at your lowest. Demons do not care what you’re struggling with. The more “broken” a person is, the easier it is for them to manipulate you. They love to play off your subconscious wounds, which is what makes them so difficult to contend with.

Have you ever become possessed while working a demonic case?

No, we use strict protocols before, during, and after every investigation to protect ourselves and our loved ones from any attachments or harm. Nothing is allowed to follow us home or touch anyone in our lives.


If your faith is strong, and you adhere to your beliefs, you are safe from demonic oppression. Call on Jesus Christ for protection with true intent and you will be safe as well.

Can you tell if you are dealing with one or several demons?

Not always. Demons do not belong on our physical plane. Instead, and for simplicity purposes, we’ll say they operate on an interdimensional plane. We can’t see them unless they choose to show themselves and they either cannot or refuse to have direct communication with us.


Psychic mediums are essential in this situation and if the right group of people are gathered and connected, a demon or demons’ name(s) can be drawn out, distinguishing if one or more is present.

Are there different types of demons? Are there rankings or a hierarchy?

Yes, and yes.


Just as there are hierarchies of angels, there are hierarchies of demons. Based on which angelic hierarchy they fell from, determines which demonic hierarchy they fall into, at least according to most Christian sources. In summary, there are higher-level demons which command lower-level demons to do their bidding.


There have been numerous attempts to classify demons according to rank and type, but there is really no established agreement on which classification is correct.


There are also demons based on different religions and cultures. We believe that all of these religions and cultures are correct because they’re essentially talking about the same thing, there are just different names and different ways of viewing them. There are theories about consciousness and human perception and reality consciousness as well, such as how our brains actually create demonic entities, which explains the connection between religious and common experiences.

Do all demons intend to possess?

No. It would be a rare occurrence for a higher-level demon such as a King or Prince to possess someone. That is not to say it isn’t possible, but simply that they have other tasks at hand. The lower-level entities are more apt for possession, as the mere act of possession involves taking away and perverting someone’s free will – one of God’s gifts to Mankind.


Higher-level demons tend to command Legions of lesser demons and act as leaders or generals, whereas the lesser demons are the foot soldiers.

How do you know if a demonic possession is a hoax?

Clients and their homes are screened thoroughly for rational causes or explanations prior to any cleansing or exorcism work. We look to debunk and recreate all claims of activity. In one instance, we used a pseudo-session to more-or-less “trick” our client into acting possessed – and it worked. When she was under the impression we were trying to contact the demon inside her, she began to speak in a different tone as the “entity.” The client in this case was mentally ill and needed to continue undergoing psychiatric treatment.


In other cases, not involving mental illness or hoaxes, other medical explanations are looked at. For example, we can check for carbon monoxide (CO) or radon levels in the home or check for high electromagnetic fields (EMF) or infrasounds, all of which can cause hallucinations, illness, or death with prolonged exposure. History of alcoholism, drug use, and certain medications may also have an effect on a person’s psyche and therefore must be considered.


Medical lines should never be crossed. Even if all normal possibilities are ruled out, a licensed psychiatrist should always be present during an exorcism and continued medical treatment must remain an option or the demonologist and his team may be liable for negligent tort claims, if not worse.

Do demons interact with humans on a daily basis?

Yes. Although they are mostly limited to temptation and/or oppression. Demons do not exist in our physical reality. (Matthew 12:43-45) describes this plane and tells us that demons are in a constant state of wandering through dry places, seeking rest, and finding none.

Are shadow people demons? What are they?

The common consensus among the paranormal community is that shadow people are lower-level beings doing the bidding of higher-level beings. In most cases, they seem to watch and don’t cause activity. They are more or less, spies.


Other theories propose that shadow people are forms of elementals – with one of the elements being the “Void” element. They are inhuman in origin and seem to hate the Word of God and religious provocation. They are often confused with tricksters. But the truth is that no one really knows what they are.

What do swarms of green flies indicate?

Anytime swarms of green flies are present, it is usually considered to be a homage to Beelzebub, or “Lord of the Flies.”

Eastern Connecticut Paranormal Society
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