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Private Residence

Connecticut Cases

Private Residences: P-T

A-E | F-J | K-O | P-T | U-Z

'Private Residences' includes homeowners or business owners who believe they are experiencing paranormal activity. These are generally the most requested type of cases.

Southington Public Library

Southington, CT - October 09, 2020

The Southington Public Library reached out to us when they heard about our involvement with the Barnes Museum, the Southington Historical Society, and the Old South End Schoolhouse. We presented on our findings from those investigations at the library, and a couple staff members came forward with claims of their own. We set up an investigation date to see if the library also held spiritual activity, and if so, what kind.

Empath Report:

Author: David Bray

Upon our arrival, Eli and the two staff members that were present went inside the building first while Chris and I waited in the parking lot. Shortly after, when they were done with the initial tour, we entered as a group through one of the side entrances.
After we put the equipment down in the main area of the library, I did a walkaround to determine where we would set up our cameras, and my attention was caught when I walked by one of the main employee desks toward the children’s area. It seemed to me like the energy of a woman was coming forward, most likely a former employee. I saw her working behind the desk and filing things away. I noted the message and moved on. As I entered the children’s area on the main level, I sensed the presence of children. I immediately thought to myself how obvious that was, but I didn’t believe they were part of the library itself, and maybe they were just visitors.
After our initial walkthroughs were complete and all the equipment was set and ready to go, we proceeded to the office by the children’s area. Chris and Eli sat in the office and performed an EVP and Spirit Box Session while I walked around with the handheld camcorder. For whatever reason, I decided to sit behind the desk and while there, began to hear a lot of noises coming from behind me. Upon further listening, I believed they were the sound of footsteps on the stairs directly behind the desk, as if someone was heading up to the mezzanine. I tuned in to my senses and asked the spirits if there was anything they wanted me to know, and that’s when the name “Mark” came to me. I was a bit skeptical since Mark is such a common name but took it for what it was. A short time later, during the session, a man started coming through the Spirit Box, and since it was the same voice coming through consistently, we knew it had to be relevant. It was soon confirmed to me by Eli that Mark was a former employee of the library and worked in the children’s section. He was also a close friend of the two staff members that were with us during the investigation.
When we investigated the children’s area, I started asking Mark to come forward and to give us signs of his presence. We heard a lot of peculiar noises, mostly from behind the desk and between the bookshelves, but in one instance, it sounded like a book fell from somewhere. However, we searched and could not find anything that was misplaced or on the floor. Once again, we had Spirit Box and EVP responses from a male, whom we believe was Mark, and not surprisingly, from children. I also felt like there was a man up on the mezzanine who was a “watcher.” He would walk around up there and keep an eye on everyone. I thought it could be Mark, but it could have also been a janitor or custodian.
After a short break, we decided to include the two staff members in the investigation. We did another EVP and Spirit Box Session, but this time on the other side of the main level, away from the children’s section. This is where Chris began to really pick up on Kurt, a former janitor of the library, whom was not well-liked by staff. We received more responses from a male spirit, and of children. It seems they had more to say and decided to follow us around.
From the main level, we decided to go down into the lower level/basement area and see what we could find. I knew from my earlier walkthrough that something was going on with the boiler room. There were either claims of paranormal activity down there, or something else. When I asked about it, I discovered that staff members had reported the boiler room unlocking on its own. At this time though, the door was locked, so we didn’t deem it necessary or important to go in there. We believe it is probably just the janitor, Kurt. When we investigated the staff room, not much presented itself and the spirits were quiet, so we went back upstairs.
The staff members took us to the second level to some of the employee offices, and the mezzanine. I didn’t pick up on too much while up there, other than I felt like someone was frequently being mimicked. As it turns out, some of the employees hear each other’s names being called, with their co-worker’s voices), but they swear they are not doing it.
Overall, our investigation of the library was a huge success. I do not feel that there are any malevolent spirits present at all. I believe that Mark is the greatest presence in the library and serves as a spiritual guide for staff members. He is still making jokes, having fun, and keeping an eye on everyone. For some reason, he decided to make himself known primarily to me whereas Kurt made himself known to Chris. I believe the woman that I sensed during my initial walkthrough is a former employee by the name of Colleen and the children are likely just visiting the library and are a presence around the neighborhood.
We want to thank the Southington Public Library for inviting us to investigate, and for their hospitality during our visit. We’re looking forward to working with them again in the future, and should the need for another investigation ever arise, we are more than happy to return.

Medium Report:

Author: Chris O'Connor

The day of any investigation, I connect with the place we are going, and this case was no different. I went through my protection ritual and then focused on the location, during which, I met a man. He was a former janitor or custodian of the library. He basically said, “we will meet up later.”
We started our investigation in the office near the children’s area. Sitting there in the dark, I got the feeling that the person I met earlier in the day was a hoverer; the employees will feel a sense of someone behind them. They may hear noises that sound like feet scuffling or even the cleaning of equipment. In fact, they probably feel this presence throughout the entirety of the library.
We moved our investigation to the main children’s area. I was compelled to sit on the floor and read a story to the spirits of some children. I felt their energy. One might say, “Well, you were in the children area. Of course, you ‘feel’ children around,” but this is what was odd about my vision. The children’s energy that I was picking up on were from children but not from the library, if that makes sense.
Well, I announced to the children to gather around so I could read a story to them. Through the Spirit Box, a childlike voice came through, “In the dark?” This response validated to me that there are spirit children that visit the library.
We invited the two staff members that were present to join us in an EVP and Spirit Box Session. Once again, the janitor came through. He was smirking and rolling his eyes. I found out during our discussion that this man was not well-liked but was tolerated due to the need the staff had of him. As in life, his behavior was the same as in spirit.
I also kept receiving a vision of an older, middle-aged woman. She had mostly gray hair and wore glasses. She was wearing a blue printed dress that was cinched at the waist. The children that were around her seemed to love her. I saw her passing out candy or something the children enjoyed. Again, I didn’t get the impression that she was from the library, but from this place.
There was a person the staff either wanted to know was there or were curious if he would show up for us. Initially, I didn’t pick up on him, but David did. Eventually, I did too. Admittedly, his name and the description of him was told to me. When the staff members joined us for the session is when I picked up on his sense of humor and the way he passed. Mark is a huge spiritual presence in the library. He referred to a woman from the library that he didn’t care for too much. This woman was grouchy and unapproachable. Mark also had messages for his mother and sister which I relayed to the staff.
The library was a great investigation for the team. I would like the staff to rest assured that there are no malevolent spirits present. Even Kurt, the janitor - he may be a jerk, but he is not unkind. There may be occurrences that frighten the staff, but they are harmless. If the staff feels anything is off or they feel the presence of a spirit, they can just speak to them as they would if they were alive. If you want them to leave you alone, they will.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

Several EVPs and Spirit Box responses were noted. Several recordings were captured of deceased co-workers and staff, and psychic findings were validated further.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 – Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

Please see the empath and medium reports.


Case Closed

The Public Library was a fantastic investigation for us that proved to be a much more active location than other town/city buildings we've done. There are no malevolent or malicious spirits of any kind here, and if you happen to be in the area, feel free to stop by and see if you can experience any of the paranormal ongoings for yourself.

Private Residence

Ridgefield, CT - September 04, September 11, December 19, 2020, & February 20, 2021

The client contacted E.C.P.S. with concerns that her 3-year-old son was being targeted by paranormal activity. Her son would wake up in the middle of the night terrified and screaming about a "scary man" that would hit him and wake him up in the middle of the night.

The client began feeling a heaviness in the home and the attacks became more frequent. E.C.P.S. set out to their house with urgency and a plan to determine who or what may be harming the young boy.

Empath Report - Case 1:

Author: David Bray

On September 04, 2020, E.C.P.S. headed out to Ridgefield, CT to investigate the private residence of our clients - with claims that paranormal activity was targeting their 3-year-old son. What sparked the urgency in this case was the fact that the mother, a horror fanatic, was scared and that a child was involved.
The clients were kind and trusting enough to allow us to come into their home without ever meeting us prior to the investigation. However, we made it a point to “meet” on Zoom the night before where the client's aunt was also present.
When we first arrived at the home, my first thoughts were with the surrounding area. The air seemed on the heavier side, but it did not seem indicative of anything paranormal. I kind of just noted it in my head and moved on. The first team members to enter the house were myself and Ruby while Eli and Chris stayed outside by the cars. I wanted to get an initial impression for the house so I could decide where to place cameras and to see if there were any areas or rooms that I felt drawn to. During this time, I also performed a baseline electromagnetic field (EMF) sweep so we could note any areas of the house that had strong currents, which would interfere with some of our equipment. Ruby followed me while filming a video walkthrough of the property.
We started with the first level and moved from the kitchen into the living and dining rooms. There was nothing abnormal that I could find there, and I did not sense anything paranormal at this point. We then moved onto the basement. I noted that the door had two locks, and we ventured down. The creepiness factor was present, but that is a common theme with basements and nothing to be concerned about. The darkness makes us weary and cautious and stems from our evolutionary biology. However, when I approached the oil tank (if I remember correctly), I picked up on a male spirit. He seemed to align with my previous vision from the night before:
The night prior to our visit, I had trouble sleeping. I had bad dreams and kept seeing a man with no features. All that came to mind was the name “Patrick.” It was so evidently clear that I woke up and asked my fiancée, Eli, and Ruby if that name meant anything to anyone, or if I had heard it recently, but no one knew where the name came from. On my way to the house, I also received an email, which ended up being spam, but the sender was “Patrick.” I thought it was an odd coincidence.
At this point, we checked out the rest of the basement and headed back upstairs to the second floor. Immediately, I felt an energy shift. The most likely explanation for this is that the upstairs portion of the house is where the paranormal claims are occurring, so there is heavier residual energy present. We went around and got a feeling for each room, but when I opened the attic door, I felt an uneasy feeling. The only way I can describe it is that I felt nauseous or uncomfortable. We proceeded up the stairs to check it out and as soon as I saw the mirror that was up there, I told Ruby that I did not like it. My guess was that it was the mirror that was left behind by a previous owner. While I was up there, the presence of the man that I saw in the basement became stronger. I knew this was an area that I had to return to later.
When the rest of the team came inside, I set up an IR camera in the upstairs hallway facing the bedrooms and left the doors open. I wanted to try and capture as many angles as possible. We started the night on the first floor and decided to do an EVP/Spirit Box Session at the dining room table. We had a flashlight present that we use to try and see if the spirits will turn it on or off, or to see if they will physically move it. We also kept our K2 Meter for EMF on. Throughout the night, Ruby also took high-resolution photos.
For some reason, the male spirit that appeared in the basement and attic was now showing me a vision of him screaming. I felt a lot of head pain and my sinuses started burning. I kept asking him why he was screaming, but he would not give me an answer. I started to think that maybe this man was in fact, the “Patrick” from my dream the night before. We tried to use the name during our EVP session, but could not get any definitive replies. Several times however, we heard a man scream through the Spirit Box, whose voice matched the one I was “hearing.” I felt like several spirits were also having conversations with each other throughout this time, but once again, they would not come forward and give us any answers. At one point, I did ask any spirits who were willing to help, to do so. Perhaps they were discussing whether to help or not.
Shortly after, the spirit of a woman came forward. She was also screaming. We then collectively heard some weird cackling noise, but we determined that it was coming from a neighbor’s house and it was consistent. The thought of a banshee came to mind and about thirty seconds later, Chris mentioned something about a banshee, and used the same word. I thought that was odd.
Once the Spirit Box started getting quiet, I felt compelled to go into the attic and Chris stated that he felt drawn to the basement, so we decided to split into groups of two and investigate. Chris and Eli went into the basement, and Ruby and I went to the attic.
Once we got up there, Ruby mentioned that she did not want to have her back out to the open and preferred to have her back to a wall, so I sat at the top of the stairs. We set up a recorder, closed the door, and Ruby readied her camera. We went “lights out” and immediately began having experiences. The air was heavy, it was pitch black, and the same screaming man came forward again. He started screaming in my face, almost like he was in pain, but I got the sense that he wanted me to experience his pain. It was pretty disturbing and made me feel slightly threatened. I kept my composure and went into a meditative state while asking questions. When I asked this man why he comes up into the attic, we heard a loud creaking noise, like a footstep, coming from the right of me. It was so loud that my heart began racing. The threatening feeling became even more apparent and I had to take a moment to compose myself. Another footstep could be heard, this time closer than the last. My next thought was actually to see if there was an animal up there with us, for the last thing I wanted was to run into a raccoon or something in a dark attic, lose my footing, and become a permanent spirit of the house myself. However, there was nothing there. I’ll be honest, my heart hasn’t raced like that in a long time. I knew that there was a spirit messing with me the entire time, and that his goal was to scare me. I kept feeling like someone was poking me in the head and moving around me. I also experienced significant leg pain. I asked him to give us a sign that he was there by knocking back three times. Shortly after, we faintly heard Chris and Eli coming up the basement stairs talking to each other, when we heard Chris say “Knock, knock, knock!” Again, we thought that was a weird coincidence and that’s when Eli called Ruby to let her know that they were locked in the basement somehow.
When we got to the basement door, we observed that one of the locks was pushed in, and that Eli and Chris were actively locked downstairs. Ruby popped the lock open, I gave it a simple turn, and the door opened with ease. It was not sticky. We tried to debunk it as many ways as we could think, but our only conclusion is that someone (a spirit) locked the door. Chris and Eli claim that they checked the door before heading down, and the homeowners told us that there is no way for the basement door to lock itself. We believe that the spirit(s) wanted to get me into the attic for some reason, which is why I felt compelled to go there, and why Chris felt compelled to go toward the basement. Apparently, him and Eli did not have the same experience as Ruby and I did while down there, and we think it could have been a diversion to separate us from each other.
We took a break to collect ourselves and grab some coffee and decided our next step would be to investigate the upstairs portion of the house as a team. Chris sat at the top of the stairs, Eli headed into the attic, Ruby sat in the boy's bedroom, and I sat in the master bedroom. We kept the doors open so we could see each other and performed another EVP/Spirit Box Session. During this time, I felt a presence on the left side of me while sitting on the edge of the bed. I asked several questions, but only got a few responses – and from different spirits. Eli and I tried switching spots – I went back into the attic and he went into the bedroom, but we experienced the same type of low-level responses. Those responses can be seen on the evidence report.
Overall, there was not a consensus for who the spirits were or why they were there. The energy in the house completely changed, or rather, dissipated the longer we were there. This is a common occurrence whenever we investigate. Our theory is that the energy in the house is “drained” or utilized as the night goes on. It was peaceful and quiet when we left. We also did not use any religious provocation or present any challenges to the spirits, as we do not like to stir things up more or assume anything malevolent is present.
The client's aunt mentioned that their road used to be called something different, so it prompted us to do some research. We found several articles about a train wreck that happened in Ridgefield in 1905. Below are some links to articles about the tragedy:
There are some similarities between some of my personal subjective experiences and the death of William Horan. However, a lot more research needs to be done to determine if this information is relevant at all.
From the moment we left the house, the case has not been sitting right with us and we have more questions than answers. However, right now, we have no evidence that anything evil or malevolent is in the house. We need to further investigate to narrow down possible causes of paranormal activity, and to rule out all logical explanations.

Medium Report - Case 1:

Author: Chris O'Connor

The client’s house is about two hours from my home, so it gave me plenty of time to reflect, prepare, and connect with the property and the clients. I had visions of multiple spirits on my drive. Some are connected to the house and some are connected to the family. To date, no case we’ve ever been on has let me down and I had the same feeling about this one. 
My role on this case was and will be a little different. This case was meant for my co-founder, David, and the challenges and tests that he will be going through. Along with mediumship, it was more important to assist him.
I connected to the house and property as usual and received my first spirit. This spirit was male, circa 1920s. He had reddish hair along with a beard and mustache. He wore glasses and a hat where the brim is only folded in the back. He gave me the impression that he was Irish or Scottish. However, that could be my predisposition based on what he was wearing.
I waited for David and Ruby to finish the EMF sweep and walkthrough before I entered the house. I entered the house through the back door and was met by two huge blasts of visions: two males, one older and one younger. They didn’t say anything. They just showed up to let me know they were there.
I began the tour of the home. I started in the dining room and moved through the living room and then stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I picked up on residual spirits of children. The homeowners may hear them, but they are harmless and almost not worth mentioning.
I got to the top of the stairs and the bedroom at the top of the stairs was how I best describe as “off.” It had a peculiar energy coming from it. I walked by the baby’s room and felt nothing and was glad of that. I walked by the master bedroom and again, there was some odd energy coming from it - then I came upon the blue room.
I walked into the blue bedroom and immediately went to the back wall. I was admiring the picture(s) that spelled out the boy’s name. I quickly turned around and was drawn to the tapestry that had the rank and a soldier’s initials and last name. This tapestry gave me the shivers. Being a veteran myself, I connected with this soldier instantly. This may be hard to hear and certainly hard for me to say, but the placement of this tapestry is wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it just yet, but it was wrong. I touched the tapestry and received pain, depression, and despair. Those aren’t uncommon feelings to have being a soldier. It is what I felt next. I had a vision of PTSD and suicide. Again, it isn’t uncommon for military members to have PTSD. It is also easy to assume suicide in reference to PTSD. Later in the investigation, this insight would be revealed to be true.
We began our investigation at the dining room table. I remained mostly quiet. The man I saw outside had come in and walked around, not saying a word. He did acknowledge that I could see him, then kept moving toward the front of the home. I noticed the two toys on the table. David told me that these were trigger toys and were selected because they would turn on for no reason. The two toys were a firetruck and the Mystery Van from Scooby-Doo. I found these toys an interesting choice. I may be reading too much into it, but I saw the Mystery Van as a representation of our team and the firetruck as a representation of heroes, or someone that the child knew. Remembering seeing the tapestry from earlier, I put the two objects together. Toward the end of this session, I was compelled (beckoned) to walk around the living room and then toward the stairs. At this point, I asked Ruby to join me to take pictures and go upstairs with me.
Ruby and I walked up the stairs and when we got there, we walked around the landing, stopping at each entry, but we did not go into any of the rooms. I mentioned to Ruby that my heart was racing. She also stated the same. David and Eli were finishing up the EVP Session downstairs in the dining room. Ruby took some more pictures and then we rejoined David and Eli.
After finishing the dining room session, we decided to split up. David and Ruby went upstairs to the attic and Eli and I went to the basement.
Eli and I explored the basement to see if any of the paranormal claims could be debunked and then did an EVP Session. I asked, “Is there any malevolent spirits in this house?” Thankfully, I didn’t get a direct answer and later after evidence review, there was no response to my question. Again, I felt the presence of a spirit, but I did not feel the spirit was harmful. What happened to us next is bizarre and needs further investigating.
Eli and I were finished with our session and returned upstairs. Eli went before me and tried to open the basement door. It was locked. He pushed on the door and it still wouldn’t open. I knocked on the stairs that went to the second floor to get David or Ruby’s attention. They came down and unlocked the door and let us out of the basement. Eli asked if they were pranking us and locked the door behind us. Both David and Ruby denied doing so. Eli tried several ways to debunk the door locking on its own. I am convinced someone (a spirit) locked that door.
After a short break, we all went upstairs. Eli went to the top of the stairs of the attic with the attic door open. Ruby and David sat around the boy's and the master bedrooms, and I sat at the top of the stairs. Again, I was mostly quiet. I was focusing my energy on David to hopefully increase his ability to gain more insight into the case. We did a Spirit Box Session and it seemed that David was getting responses as well as Eli.
I moved from the stairs to the boy's room. I laid in his bed with my feet on the floor. Eli asked if a Nick was here because they heard responses from him during the dining room session. I’m not sure if we asked if Nick was sad, or how he died. It was then that I got that “Nick” was Uncle Nick and that he died from suicide. When asked, Ruby stated he died from the results of an overdose.
During the middle of this session, I asked for David and Eli to switch locations. Eli came down and David went to the attic. Questions were asked and some were answered. Eventually, the Spirit Box got quiet, so we all went down to the kitchen. It was getting late and the house was quiet, so at this point we decided to call it a night.
As I mentioned earlier, I had a two-hour ride home. I kept thinking about the boy and the relationship between him and his uncle. I questioned why I didn’t see the red-headed man. Also, why I didn’t see the two spirits that greeted me when I first came into the house. I answered myself by stating that this case was meant for David. It was important to me that he was able to use his abilities to come to a better understanding of what was happening to the family.
If I have the opportunity, I would like to speak to the boy and have him tell me what he sees. I feel if I could get him to tell me or even draw what he sees, I may be able to help him and his parents with the activity that occurs in their home. I believe we will return. There are more questions than answers.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

We received a lot of EVP and Spirit Box responses that ended up being intelligent and directly related to the case.

We captured a very odd-looking light anomaly in the upstairs hallway that we are unable to debunk.


Paranormal Level: Grade 3 – Objective findings include evidence of a manifestation (non-orbs) captured by a photo or video. Audible sounds or voices can be heard by human ears and are documented on an audible device.

This case is/was absolutely fascinating. Although we are not done, we have already found out a lot of useful information.

When we finished our investigation, the client reported increased activity, only this time, it was targeting her and not her son. She reported being woken up by someone pulling on her leg and by someone kneeling over her while she slept. She began to feel very uncomfortable and scared in the house. However, some of this may be attributed to the fact that she just had a paranormal team come into her home, and that she was anxious about the results. We noted that the upstairs portion of the house also exhibits a "funhouse effect" because it is not perfectly level.

Upon further discussion, we decided that it was best that we return to the house ASAP. We felt very uneasy about leaving the clients with little knowledge about what was occurring. We chatted with them on Zoom again before returning and talked about our findings. What we discovered blew us away.

As it turns out, the "Nick" that we picked up on who was providing us with answers throughout the investigation, was actually the client's brother, and the boy's uncle. He was a military veteran who sadly committed suicide via overdose. Even worse, the young boy was there when he was found. We are positive that Nick is a present and protective spirit for the family, and is there to guide them on their journey.

What kept eluding us was this "Patrick," the man whom we believe was scaring the family. We had no idea who he was or why he was there, and neither did the clients. No one seemed to know any Patricks. However, shortly after we got off Zoom, I received a phone call from the mother. She stated that she was telling her friend about our visit when she suddenly told her that she knew who Patrick was. Patrick was reportedly Nick's military friend, whom he confided in. When overseas together, Patrick was shot in the leg and experienced significant pain throughout the remainder of his life. Unfortunately, he also committed suicide via gunshot wound to the head. I was indeed blown away. The experience of leg pain and burning sinuses matched to a tee, the name fit, and Patrick being in a war matched my dream from the night before. Even more bizarre, the footsteps that we heard in the attic could have been Patrick's emotional support dog, Enzo, who recently passed away in March, 2020.


Case Closed

Chris and I head back to the home for a second investigation soon.

Empath Report - Case 2:

Author: David Bray

Our second investigation of the property was highly anticipated for the team given the subjective experiences from the first visit. However, only Chris and I were able to attend given the short notice and last-minute decision to head out there as soon as possible. 
The plan was to finally meet the family in person, and to have Chris talk to the son to see if he could sense anything that might help the investigation, so we decided to show up earlier than usual – around 5:30 PM or so. The family was very welcoming when I arrived. We chatted for about thirty minutes until Chris also arrived. 
One of the first things I usually do on cases that require multiple visits is compare how the house is at different times of the day. I noticed that it felt completely different during the daytime, in a good way. Windows and shades were open to let fresh air and sunlight into the home, it was still kept clean and organized, and the family did not seem to indicate they were living in fear all the time. It felt positive. At one point, the mother showed me the toy room, which we did not know existed when we first came out, and we went upstairs into the attic to talk about Nick and the mirror that was left behind from a previous tenant. She told me that some of Nick’s stuff was in the attic, right by where I previously heard the footstep. I signaled that it was possible that Nick wanted his sister to find something of his, or to at least pull it out of storage. 
The client, Chris, and I also went down into the basement and searched another room that we did not know about, that looked like it was used for storing firewood or dry foods. I believe our estimates date the room to around the late 1800s. 
When the family left, Chris and I started immediately. We went into the living room and “connected” to each other, to God, and to the spirits in the home. We once again asked for guidance and clarity with helping the family get answers. During this process, I sensed that there was a man present. He was an older gentleman, but he seemingly just popped by to let me know he was there and moved on. There was nothing else to note that felt very strong or important enough to mention. 
Chris decided that he felt it best for us to start in either the basement and work our way up, or the attic and work our way down. We chose the former. We headed down into the basement, set up the IR camera, and shut off the lights. We put our K2 Meter for EMF down next to us, and I carried a recorder around to capture audio during the session. 
As soon as we began, I felt a little nervous, like how I felt in the attic during our first investigation. I knew that spirits were going to come forward and that they were anticipating our arrival. I started asking questions and could feel responses coming through. What I mean is, I would ask a question and feel like there was someone behind me, or that someone was whispering in my ear. The entire time, it felt like someone was playing with my hair or touching me. In the present though, I chalked it up to cobwebs or dust since we were in a dark, old basement. I sensed that there was a man present, but he was different than the one who came to me while we were upstairs. I thought of him as a “watcher,” since he didn’t do much but stand there and stare at us. I really didn’t think he was responding to any of our questions, but now that I have been able to digest the information a little more, I think some of the male responses were in fact, his. 
Chris soon mentioned that there was an older woman with us, whom he referred to as an “old hag.” I didn’t originally pick up on her being there, but right after, I began to focus on her. I knew she was a consistent claim in the house, I believe from former tenants or family, but I knew that we did not mention her to Chris, so he must have been validating her presence. 
We began to hear noises from all around us. Some sounded like footsteps, some like sweeping, and some like loud pings from a pipe. It seems that we were both picking up on similar, but different spirits and activity throughout the session. Our evidence report confirmed that any time we caught an EVP, either Chris or I reacted – and so did the K2 Meter. I could not get over how pitch black the basement was at this time. I found it odd that it felt like my eyes were not adjusting to the darkness. There were several instances where we felt like we were being targeted or had to move away from certain spots. Chris ended up moving behind my left shoulder at one point, and it felt like someone jabbed me in my lower back. It was a sharp, electrical sensation – indicative of nerve pain from a laceration or puncture wound. I asked Chris if he touched me in any way, but he did not, as the moment was caught on video. 
During this session, we asked a lot of questions about the home, the family, previous occupants, and anything related to the claims of paranormal activity. We were assertive and more aggressive than normal. We did this because we knew we had to get answers and it worked. We had several names that came through, mainly “Chris” and “Mark.” The name Chris is one that we also received during our first visit to the home. Afterward, we headed back upstairs and noted how intense our experience was in the basement, seemingly completely opposite of the first investigation. 
We took a 5-minute break and decided to do our next session on the main level of the home. We started in the living room. There wasn’t too much that happened here other than a few random Spirit Box responses and another recurring response of “Five,” when asked how many spirits were present in the home. It was suspiciously quiet during this time and we weren’t getting much, even psychically. For me, the basement was much more active and there had to have been at least four spirits down there with us. I guess they did not want to come upstairs. 
We decided to head up to the bedrooms and start in the boy’s room. We carried the IR camera with us the entire night and set it up facing the closet and tapestry. Now again, for me, it was quiet. I could sense that spirits were present, but they wouldn’t come forward or give me any details. When Spirit Box responses were coming through, we could not interpret them as they came in. I ended up frustrated that they weren’t being clear in their answers. What was evident however, was that Nick seemed to be present. The family will have to listen to some of the answers and determine if one or more of them are his voice though. Upon review, there seemed to be at least two males and two females who were talking with us/to each other. Again, the only name that came through was “Mark,” in direct response to a very specific question. 
In the master bedroom, I laid down on the bed on the mother’s side while Chris sat by one of the closets. I went into a meditation but continued asking questions. The session ended up much the same as the one in the son’s room where we could not actively interpret the responses and the spirits were not being clear in their descriptions. It was here that we really tried to provoke, both religiously and verbally. Our thought process was frankly – to piss them off enough to make them do something that we could interpret or capture on audio/video. Nothing crazy happened though, and we moved into the attic. 
The attic was dead, no pun intended. It was eerie that the first and second investigations seemed to be reversed. During our first visit, the attic was extremely active for me, and the basement was quiet. Now, the attic was quiet, and the basement was active. We didn’t stay up there long and decided to take a break. 
The only thing we could think to try was to act casual, so we sat at the dining room table and talked. Sometimes, when you don’t search for the evidence, it comes to you. We waited for a toy to turn on by itself, footsteps upstairs, or really anything, but nothing happened. Just like before, the house became still and quiet. The energy seemed depleted. We left awhile later since it seemed like the spirits were done for the night, but I have to say I left thinking we got no evidence. Luckily, I was wrong, and we received enough to warrant a second ‘Grade 3’ rating in a row. 
I wish I could say otherwise, but this case is not done. We keep getting more to the story, but not enough to complete the puzzle. We will be thinking about having the mother stay with us or not during our third investigation. There are also some dynamics at play that we will discuss that might be beneficial to solving the paranormal activity in the home. 

Medium Report - Case 2:

Author: Chris O'Connor

This was an odd night. The investigation started out highly active and then it all went cold. This doesn’t mean we didn’t capture anything. I haven’t (nor my team) reviewed the evidence yet, but psychically, I received some messages. I am going to break them down for each person. First, I want to discuss the place that activity was present - the basement. 
The client(s) didn’t have any claims in the basement. On our last visit, Eli and I got locked down there. David specifically examined the lock on the door - one, so we wouldn’t get locked down there and two, to try and debunk why or how the door could appear unlocked, but in fact be locked. After examining the door and the lock, we could not figure out how Eli and I got locked in. 
David and I began our investigation. We turned on all the equipment and took a lot of pictures. Throughout our time there, we kept hearing a scuffling noise. The scuffling noise at first sounded like someone moving slowly across the floor. Then it hit me, the sound wasn’t of someone walking, it was the sound of someone sweeping. I hope our recorder captured the noise. David and I were standing near the door that led out of the basement to the outside when I saw an old woman coming from the room that had the sink in it. I referred to her as the “old hag.” 
This woman was short in stature. She was dressed in a long dress and was wearing an apron. She had some kind of scarf or kerchief on her head. Her facial features showed an elderly woman. If I were to guess her age, I would say mid-80s. Her face was wrinkled. Her eyes were deeply set, with dark rings underneath them. Her nose was prominent. I don’t think she had teeth, at least not upper teeth, because her mouth appeared to be sunken in, which made her chin protrude and appear long. 
I feel this woman is an intelligent spirit. She interacts with the household in a non-threatening way. The residents may hear the scuffling or “sweeping” noise. They may hear a woman’s voice every now and then, especially if there are arguments. They may also be touched, which is evident by David being poked while in the basement. She goes about the house checking in on all the residents. 
We investigated the rest of the home and got extraordinarily little subjective evidence. I am not sure what evidence was captured on video or audio, but during the investigation, the house seemed quiet and the energy was fine. I tried to meditate to see if I could find the red-headed man, but he either wasn’t there or was not willing to show himself. 
Now, I want to touch on the male client’s father. He was the older gentleman that met me at the door during the first investigation. However, it was on the second investigation when I saw a picture of his father and put the connection together. The message for him is to change. He needs to change health habits. His father also alerted to some form of anger issues. A “hot head” was the word used to describe him. I don’t say these things to hurt his feelings or pass judgment, and I also believe that his father feels the same. 
Regarding Nick - he is on an incredible journey. I feel his recent visits are to reassure his sister and her family that he is okay. He knows he has caused pain for his family and left many unanswered questions. He wants everyone to move on the best way they know how. Nick will continue to visit. He will come when you need him. I’m hoping on our next visit I can take time separately to see if there is a specific message he wants/needs to deliver. At this point, I believe Nick is acting in a guardian angel role for his nephew and niece along with holding his mother’s hand when she feels sad. 
This case is becoming more complex with each visit. The first visit, there seemed to have been more activity upstairs including the attic and this visit there was more activity in the basement. It is my hope the third visit will tie everything together. I know the family is very anxious about finding out the answers. In part, the involvement with Nick. 
If we take Nick out of the equation, the other activity is very much controllable. It has been my experience and with my team, paranormal activity decreases dramatically when the household and the clients maintain a positive environment. If a positive environment is achieved, negative paranormal activity will be minimized. STAY POSITIVE! 

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

Intelligent EVPs and Spirit Box responses were found during the investigation, with relevance to the family and their claims.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 3 –Objective findings include evidence of a manifestation (non-orbs) captured by a photo or video. Audible sounds or voices can be heard by human ears and are documented on an audible device. 

Even though Chris and I left the second investigation feeling like we didn't get answers, we were wrong. Upon listening to our evidence carefully, we discovered enough to warrant another 'Grade 3' rating. We heard audible footsteps, sounds, and caught several Grade A EVPs.

We do not get the sense that there is anything malevolent in the home. We tried to approach the case from every angle, and asked every question imaginable. Even psychically, we simply did not feel threatened at all. Nervous maybe, but never threatened like we were in danger. It did not feel the same as our previous demonic cases, nor as bad as when we ran into some nasty human spirits as well.

We wholeheartedly believe that Nick, the client's brother, is with her and her family. He watches over them. They threw out an old mirror that was left behind by a previous tenant, and moved the tapestry that was in the boy's room. Hopefully, this helps to quell some of the activity.


Case Closed

The family has been educated on co-existing with the spirits in the home. The client's brother is a watchful guardian for the family and will continue to be there in their times of need.

Empath Report - Case 3:

Author: David Bray

The night started out with an anticipatory energy to it. For some reason, the whole day, I felt like a spirit was trying to give me a message, but I couldn’t make out what it was. The spirit was presenting as a male, but something didn’t seem to convince me of that statement as fact. I thought about the Ridgefield train wreck in the early 1900s again and kept that in the back of my mind. Maybe the accident was relevant after all.
When we got to the house, I could tell the client was either nervous or anxious about the investigation. She was giving off the impression that she had no idea what to expect. I also noted that I could not read her chakras/energy centers, which is unusual for me. I wondered what that could mean, but I chalked it up to an error on my part.
We started the investigation in the dining room and performed an EVP and Spirit Box Session. Psychically, I didn’t get too much information here that was new or surprising. I sensed a few spirits, both male and female, but I recognized their energies as familiar, as we came across them on our two previous investigations in the house.
We decided to head upstairs next. During the previous investigation, I noticed that while sitting on the edge of the bed in the master bedroom, an energy was emanating from the closet in the corner, so I wanted to investigate that further. Most of us gathered in the bedroom and Ruby stood by in the hallway to take pictures; another EVP and Spirit Box Session was performed. This session didn’t prove too useful for us at the time. We had a spike in responses for a couple minutes, but it quickly dwindled into dead air. However, in retrospect and upon listening to the session, we discovered a lot more responses than we thought, mostly from a male spirit. I should note that the energy that this particular spirit was giving off was the same energy that I felt throughout the day, so my assumption is that they are one and the same. It’s odd because I don’t and have never felt an evil or malevolent presence in the home, but there seemed to be a negative presence around during this time. I’ll explain what I think is occurring shortly.
After the upstairs portion of the investigation, we decided to go to the basement, where Chris and I had an amazing session during our last visit. This time, our session was brief because the heater was making a lot of noise and any responses we did gather would be contaminated anyway. Honestly, it was not a big deal to me because I didn’t feel like we were meant to be investigating down there. I think every event during an investigation happens for a reason and it just didn’t feel like the answers were down there this time around. It seems we “ran into” the usual spirits of the basement, the elderly woman and the little girl.
Now, at this point, it was getting relatively quiet and the client was confused as to why the activity wasn’t greater or more frequent. I told her that our previous investigations were similar. Our first visit had the most significant activity in the upstairs hallway, our second visit in the basement, and our third seemed to produce the most responses in the dining room. I believe that each case had a purpose.
When we first investigated, we did not formally meet the client or family beforehand. We were able to very objectively tune in to the energy of the home, and we discovered that the client's deceased brother was present. The first visit’s purpose was to reaffirm to the family that he is with them and that he watches over them. This was confirmed through audio responses where the brother's voice was noticed by the family members.
Our second investigation allowed Chris and I to focus on the other spirits in the home. We mostly picked up on an elderly woman, a little girl, and another male spirit – however, there were spirits of the land/property present as well. This was good because it allowed us to differentiate what was occurring for the client, and to point out that none of the spirits of the house seem to be evil or malevolent in any way.
Our third visit to the home, I think, was about the client. None of the energies or responses throughout the night were surprising to me. I know that Chris pointed out to her that he saw an attachment, which seemed to shake her up. I won’t go into that too much here, as I will let Chris talk about what he saw and felt in his medium report, but I will say that I mostly agree. However, my views about attachments might not be the same as another’s. I strongly believe that we all have them, both good and bad, and that they are tied to our subconscious minds. I will save you the scientific and theoretical jargon, but to summarize – they are a natural part of life and spiritual awakening. It is our job to recognize them and bring them into awareness, so we can consciously focus on balancing ourselves and strengthen our connection to higher planes of existence. Now, I do not know where the client received this attachment, but all my psychic inclinations point toward a ritual of some kind. I’m not sure what type of ritual or when, but my sense is that even if it was a positive and purposeful ritual, it’s possible that she was not balanced at the time and mistakenly picked up this energy. I also think it is presenting as negative in nature, solely because it doesn’t belong to her. The only way I can describe it is if you literally picked up a complete stranger while driving, and they were sitting in the car with you, and how you might feel cautious, scared, or guarded, because there’s an unusual energy in your presence.
Again, I think that each investigation had a purpose and a goal. I don’t believe I was able to read her chakras that night because the overarching purpose of the investigation was to discover her attachment, and not being able to read someone’s energy usually points to that conclusion. I am strongly convinced that this attachment is not a burden either, although it can be, but it is an opportunity to strengthen the client's spiritual connection and further improve herself, should she want to take on that task.

Medium Report - Case 3:

Author: Chris O'Connor

We arrived at the home around 8 PM and I could immediately tell the client was anxious. She kept asking if there was anything she needed to do; she paced around from room to room. There was more to her behavior than the obvious. She was understandably afraid.
We started our investigation in the dining room and there were four spirits showing themselves to me. All four were familiar. The young girl gave me her name this visit, which is Charlotte.
There was one more spirit who presented himself during this investigation, a railroad worker. He appeared to me in work attire holding a lantern, swinging it as he walked along. I was aware there was a rail accident on or near the property. It was not told to me how the accident occurred or the number of people who died and how they died due to the accident. The rail worker showed me that he died from burns. The burns weren’t from a fire, but from being scalded.
We were getting many responses from the Spirit Box Session. The client identified one of the voices coming through as her brother. The husband's father piped in as well. It seemed to be or at least to me, there were several conversations occurring and coming through the Spirit Box. It was like being in a crowded room with everyone talking over each other. The reason for this will become clearer for me later.
The Spirit Box communication continued throughout each place we investigated. We got positive confirmation of the spirits in almost every space, some more than others.
We returned to the master bedroom. The client asked if we “got” anything from the closet. She explained how she felt a coldness in there. I checked out the closet and noticed a crack in the corner above the closet shelf. The crack is located on an exterior wall and directly below the attic. The cold air could be coming from either place. I suggested to repair the crack and if there still was the feeling of coldness, then further investigation would be warranted.
We were still in the bedroom and having a conversation about the paranormal activity. During the conversation, the client's head changed shape and a dark, wispy shape came from her right side, distorting her silhouette. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I was seeing what I was seeing. She has an attachment. This is a non-human attachment. I feel very strongly about this. It’s not just because it was dark, but because I could not feel any soul.
This makes a lot of sense to me. The activity is primarily centered around her. The rest of the family have claims of paranormal, but their claims are related to some type of interaction with the four or more spirits already identified. The son being young, he’s understandably afraid when they interact with him. He can learn to co-exist with them as he gets older and understands more.
We made the decision to let the client know what I saw. As expected, she was taken back and a bit defensive. She couldn’t understand how she could have an attachment. We all have attachments - souls that have passed on. I refer to them as spirit guides. I would say her brother may be a spirit guide for her. These spirit guides are attached to you to guide you through this journey we call life and sometimes we have attachments that do not belong to us. Many of these attachments are benign. It’s hard to explain the why or where of them, but most times attachments can be contributed to situational experiences.
The attachment that I saw was non-human and should not be attached to anyone. There are numerous reasons how this type of attachment attaches to someone. Unfortunately, the client has experienced many of the reasons. She confessed that she was involved in witchcraft. This alone wouldn’t cause the attachment but does open the vulnerability to an attachment if the witchcraft practiced was negative in nature or if permission wasn’t given before performing one.
The client has had a significant loss in her life. She lost her brother to suicide. There is a whole bag of emotions that those left behind go through and hang on to when you lose someone you love to suicide. She wishes she were able to see the signs. She feels guilt for not seeing them. She is angry that she didn’t see the signs and angry he didn’t come to her.
Pinpointing the reason(s) for the attachment would be helpful but not necessary. There are some steps that she can do. These steps will not be effective unless the client believes they will resolve her issues.
I am certain, because of the attachment, she has created a psychokinesis (PK) environment. PK in this case, is the ability to self-manifest paranormal activity, either willingly or not. Like a moth to a flame, she is attracting many spirits. Eliminating the attachment, will eliminate many, if not all the spirits. At least the unwanted ones.
These are my recommendations.
The four or so spirits that interact with the family can be managed by setting boundaries. The parents must come together with what those boundaries are and enforce them. Under no circumstance should either encourage a relationship with these spirits. This should decrease their interaction with the family. The four spirits do not present harm to the family other than the feeling of fear. Setting the boundaries will decrease their fears.
When I spoke with the son on our second visit, I felt a special kinship with him. Children often have some type of psychic ability and this is what I felt with him as well. As in many cases, children outgrow this ability. In his case (and many other children), what he is experiencing is frightening. Their young minds have trouble comprehending the information. What the parents can do is speak with him and reassure him that sometimes we get visitors that only we can see. Sometimes they show themselves as scary things to get our attention. In conversation, instill confidence and bravery. The more he is empowered with handling these visitors, the more the visitors become less scary. Always leave him an “out.” Let him know he can always come to either one of the parents for assistance. When he does come to you, assist, but do not take over, unless it is absolutely necessary. As far as his development of psychic abilities, be supportive as I mentioned. I would not encourage his development until he is much older and can fully understand. As in most children, this ability goes away as they age.
There are several steps that should be done to address the attachment to the client. All of these involve a return visit if the family agrees.
She should seek out a Reiki practitioner. If she doesn’t know of one, we have a colleague that will come out. She does have a fee. The Reiki practitioner should focus on removing the attachment and sending it back to which it came.  The session should be done in the home and our team should be there as I’ll explain below.
I would also like for David to perform energy work on her. The hope of this energy work is to put her back in balance. David mentioned her chakras were not balanced, but having her in balance will assist her in removing the attachment. 
My role is to psychically attach to the client. Basically, to watch and assist in removing the attachment, ensuring the attachment has left.
I would like Eli and Ruby to document the session. One taking notes and one video recording the event.
The group, (E.C.P.S., the Reiki practitioner, and the client) should perform a house cleansing using white sage and positive affirmation.
Finally, after the everyone has left, the client should take a hot bath with Epsom salts and lavender oil. Soak in the tub until the water feels lukewarm. During the bath, she should reflect on the evening and reaffirm positive thoughts and visualize them.
I never thought this case would be a one-and-done. It has taken some time, but I strongly believe we have gathered enough evidence to successfully address the entities and the attachment. I also want to make myself perfectly clear, none of these processes will work unless there is true intent. E.C.P.S., the Reiki practitioner, and the client must perform these processes with a true heart. Her husband also must believe these processes will work. The family should dismiss anyone else that does not support these processes.
As always, if there are any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me.

Objective Findings:

One photo was documented as unexplained.

Intelligent EVP and Spirit Box responses were found. They directly validated psychic findings.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 – Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

Since this case is still ongoing, it's hard to form an assessment. It seems that every time we go out there, we come back with new information or we discover that the puzzle is bigger than we originally thought. We'll have to talk to the client first to figure out where this attachment might have come from and determine its origin.


Case Closed

Determine the origin and cause of the attachment and have the client work through E.C.P.S.' recommendations to get rid of it.

Empath Report - Case 4:

Author: David Bray

The purpose of our visit to the client’s house this time around, and our fourth visit overall, was to assist the client in clearing her energy field. Throughout the course of our investigations in the home, we made several “discoveries.” Each visit seemed to have a clear intention and we came out with new information each time. However, on the last visit, Chris and I both felt that the client had an attachment that did not belong to her, and that this was probably the overarching reason paranormal activity was persisting, negatively at least. We contacted our former team member to perform Reiki on the client while Chris and I took notes during the session.
There were several things I picked up on during the client’s Reiki session. I wrote down a list of the chakras and put little annotations next to them as information came to me. I also provided a brief overview of the left/right (feminine/masculine) balance. To simplify, I will list my findings below for reference:


  • Crown: emanating a violet color (as opposed to white), heat, client “questions” at times.

  • Third Eye: blending with the Crown; signifies a connection with her higher power, trusting her intuition.

  • Throat: emanating a blue color, calm-demeanor, and balancing listening vs. speaking.

  • Heart: emanating a green color, but stagnant and unmoving; needs more energy in her hands, connected to the gallbladder meridian (on the lateral side of the body), trouble with acceptance, security; guarding.

  • Solar Plexus: increased ventilation at first, slowly shifted into diaphragmatic breathing as she relaxed; hands protecting her abdomen.

  • Sacral: originally emanating a murky orange color, kyo (deficiency in energy).

  • Root: emanating a bright red color down to the knees; trying to travel further toward the feet.

Overall goal: bring energy down and smooth it out!


  • Left: needs to increase feminine traits and actions.

  • Right: needs to decrease masculine traits and actions.

Once the session was finished, I put checkmarks next to the Sacral and Root chakras above. When the Reiki practitioner finished on the client’s feet, she became much more grounded and balanced. The practitioner performed the overall goal with no knowledge of what my reading would entail. To me, this signifies that the session was a success. During Chris’ reading, he drew a picture of the client with two auras around her. He saw her superficial aura as orange and her deeper aura as bright red, which aligns with my interpretation of the client being grounded and centered post-session.
The client exclaimed she felt great afterward and expressed that she had been practicing and honing her meditation. To be honest, the whole house felt much different and much more positive than our previous visits. She should continue nurturing this feminine aspect of herself because it is getting results! What I mean is, she should keep practicing the “soft” activities such as meditation, receiving massage therapy or Reiki, and overall activities that promote relaxation. Taking time for ourselves is one of the most vital ways in which we connect to nature, the universe, and our true sense of who we are.
As a manual therapy practitioner, I also noted how a massage therapy practitioner should address the client. Should she ever receive a massage session, she should ask the therapist to work on her in this order: scalp, pecs/arms, lateral trunk, hips/quadriceps, crural region, feet, and full-body energy clearing. I recommend she get herself a session at least bi-monthly until she feels that she is completely in control and living optimistically. Other than that, she should keep up the great work and continue trusting herself and her intuition she’ll find a positive outcome to all of this!

Private Residence

Shelton, CT - February 08, 2018 & July 31, 2020

Case 1: A couple from Shelton called us with claims that their apartment was haunted. The female client had fallen asleep on the couch one night and said she was sexually assaulted by an unseen force. They would hear voices, experienced feelings of being watched, saw shadows, and heard loud knocks and noises coming from their bedroom closet.

Case 2: The female client called us to let us know that paranormal activity was occurring again. She saw a shadow figure and claimed her daughter also saw it, despite no prior knowledge of paranormal ongoings in the home. She said she was hearing voices and felt extreme anger toward her boyfriend, apparently for no reason. She felt she was going crazy and wanted answers.

Subjective Claims:

He drew three visions: a woman being pushed or whom had tripped down a flight of stairs, a woman being violated while sleeping on the couch, and a woman who had hanged herself long ago. He had a vision of a young girl who fell from a wagon and was dragged to her death. He sensed that there was a young boy who died from an illness.

His involvement was to sense the client's former drug habit, personality traits, and tension between the couple.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

Several EVPs and intelligent Spirit Box responses were noted. They had relevance to the history of the home, town, and to the client's claims. Some of them also backed up our subjective experiences.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 – Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box or other item responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

Our biggest concern with this case was for the female client. We wanted to make sure she felt safe enough to go to sleep without being sexually assaulted or scared. The couple stayed with us during our investigation as they were pertinent to the activity and to a possible resolution.

Throughout the night, Chris kept receiving visions, but I wasn't receiving much of anything. At least not from the spiritual world. All that kept grabbing my attention had to do with the couple. There was something that wasn't being told or just wasn't sitting right. I finally decided to pull the female client over to the side and ask her some questions. We talked for about twenty minutes and I was able to get some insight into her past, their past as a couple, and where this possible activity might be stemming from.

The Spirit Box was very active and said not only the client's names, but ours as well.  We received several Grade A EVPs which backed the client's claims of assault. We believe there was a man there who was not the most pleasant to deal with. There were also several women and children as well. We pulled information and spirits from all over, it seems. This was a fun case and we were able to find a lot of answers for the couple.


Case Closed

We gave the clients a lot of answers and tools to use to keep activity down. When we returned for our reveal, they seemed to be doing better. We loved this case and wish them all the best in the future.

Medium Report - Case 2:

Author: Chris O'Connor

Our team was asked to return to the couple's home, having last visited in 2018. The female client is experiencing what she refers to as an increase in paranormal activity.
The team arrived around 8:30 PM. The house still had the same energy that was present when we were there in 2018. The young boy, Charlie, and other imprints of spirits discovered during our first trip were still present.
The clients and the team got reacquainted, and we got updates on the new activity before going lights-out.
We started the night with an EVP session. Almost as soon as we started, Charlie came forward. He started off shy and stayed in the doorway to the kitchen. Charlie eventually came into the room and was interacting with the K-2 Meter. Charlie confirmed his age of 10: we asked him to indicate how old he was by touching the K-2, and he touched it 10 times. It was more a confirmation for me. Charlie died from a childhood disease. We believe it may have been TB because the K-2 went off again when TB was mentioned.
I received signs that religion was being brought into the home due to the claims of paranormal activity. I asked about that, but neither of the clients admitted to bringing any type of religion into the home.
During this session, I received a vision of two men. I wrote down “two men,” the word “murder,” and “close by.” I am assuming the spirits are here for two reasons: first, the female client is self-manifesting (or PK), and second, the spirits know when Dave and I are around. We ended the session.
The next session brought us to the basement. Before arriving, I was drawn to the basement. I am not sure why but was hoping to find out. We took this opportunity to go over what we discovered so far. Ruby was uncomfortable down there and I didn’t get much from the basement.
We went back to the living room to see if we could get more information about the two men. During this session, I received a vision of a person who used to visit one of the clients. This person is someone that would visit them as a child. The female client got upset and believed it was a friend’s family member who had passed away. The male client also thought it could have been his mother who passed away when he was young.
I noticed a change in the female client this visit. I am not sure if she felt more comfortable with us, or if her personality just appeared more aggressive. She was more verbal, especially with swearing. I wasn’t offended; I just noticed a change.
I am interested to see what we captured for evidence. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, any research into the name(s) we received, or the history of the property is limited.

Empath Report - Case 2:

Author: David Bray

I received a text from a client of ours from 2018, with concerns that paranormal activity was starting back up in their home. We spoke on the phone so I could gather additional information, and we planned an investigation for July 31.
When we arrived at the home, the couple was pleasant and very welcoming (as usual). The house was kept very neat, clean, and orderly. Both of their appearances seemed relatively healthy albeit maybe a little worn down or tired from stress. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary yet.
We sat down in the living room and caught up, and the clients updated the team on the latest paranormal ongoings. As this conversation was taking place, I began to receive a vision of two men, whom I described as scraggly. One of them seemed familiar to me, but the other was not. It was in my interpretation that they were friends. The way they dressed, their mannerisms, and their general demeanor together made me believe that they were used to “the streets” and were probably drug addicts and/or drug dealers in their lifetimes. In fact, they each had a bottle of vodka, and would tap glasses as if to say “Cheers!” One of the spirits likely died from an overdose or alcohol poisoning, and he was the one who felt familiar to me. I believe he was the same one who came forward during our first visit to the home and was responsible for touching the female client inappropriately when she was sleeping. But why was he back, and with a friend? I was determined to find out.
See, during our first visit, my “job” was not to communicate directly with the spirits, but rather to pick up on the energy that the clients were emanating. It was this way that we found out about the female client's history with alcohol, some tension between the couple, and discovered why this male spirit was harassing and touching her. In that case, the scraggly male spirit felt drawn to her because of their common ailment with alcohol. When she relapsed, a metaphorical connection was made to the other side, and this particular spirit latched on for the ride. Once our investigation was concluded, we gave the couple advice on what to do and what not to do, educated them, and all was okay for the past two years.
The female client admitted over the phone prior to our arrival that she had in fact, relapsed again when all this started back up, which likely called this male spirit back, and for whatever reason, he brought a friend. The friend reminded me of a prankster, or a joker. He’d laugh or instigate while his friend did the deeds. I kept receiving an “M” first name, and a “G” last name. I couldn’t place it, but I wanted to say the last name started with “Gall-,” either Gallo or something similar. I’d be curious to research the name to see if any murders or deaths occurred in the area, but that probably won’t happen anytime soon due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
While reading the couple's energies, I was floored by how jitsu, or hyperactive their chakras were, especially when it came to the female's crown chakra on the top of her head. To me, this was a clue that she was reaching for God, or some type of higher power. Whether she’s seeking answers or dealing with very personal things, only she knows. Chakral imbalances can get complicated, but in short, her crown chakra can also be getting thrown off by a disturbance in her inner peace, i.e. through feelings of guilt, anger, or sadness. For him, I believe he is trying to find a balance with himself and with everything his girlfriend is experiencing. He is due for some personal time.
The female client also claimed to see a shadow figure, which her boyfriend's daughter also saw. In our team’s experience with shadow figures however, they are voided, human-form manifestations of our own subconscious. The most likely explanation is that the female client is self-manifesting her admitted feelings of extreme anger and frustration and this shadow person represents the “dark part” of her that is coming forward. The daughter probably experienced this as well because her energy is attached to the house (and to the female client) and she is a teenage girl who is sensitive to spiritual energies.
Overall, I think the story is essentially the same as last time. I did not pick up on any spirits other than these two scraggly-looking individuals, and they seem to be the most prevalent with causing the female client the most anxiety. It is my opinion that if she can find a way to manage her history with alcohol, she will “lose” these two troublesome spirits altogether. They are the types to feed off people’s vulnerabilities and susceptibilities. In other words, if they think they can get to you, receive a reaction, and take advantage, they will. This also explains why they don’t seem to affect the male client nearly as much as they do her.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

Several EVPs and intelligent Spirit Box responses were noted. They had relevance to the history of the home, town, and to the client's claims. Some of them also backed up our subjective experiences.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 – Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box or other item responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

Please read the above empath report.


Case Closed

Our second visit was a good experience for the team. We believe we have a definitive conclusion on what was causing paranormal activity in the home and the clients have been educated on next steps. We don't believe there is anything more we can do and the rest is in the client's hands.

Private Residence

Somers, CT - July 08, 2017

We were contacted by the client and were told that she believed her eighteen-year-old son was oppressed or possessed by something. He started meditating about eighteen months prior to this and tried to open his chakras. Unfortunately, little research was done and he did not know how to block or protect himself further. He claimed that once he opened his root chakra, the demons flooded him and opened the rest, leaving him vulnerable. He began to hear demons talking to him; telling him to kill himself and that they were in control of his body. This led to a snowball effect of sorts, affecting his schoolwork, his sleeping habits, and his everyday life. All of his medical and psychiatric evaluations came back negative.
An interview with the client was done immediately. We felt that the case needed to be evaluated as soon as possible. Within one week, we were there.

Subjective Claims:

He felt that there was a negative spiritual attachment to the client. The client’s bedroom in particular felt extremely heavy. The client and he were communicating using telepathy. He believes the client knew what he was thinking.

He also felt that there was a negative spiritual attachment to the client. He believes that the client purposely opened up his chakras and did not understand how to thoroughly protect himself. The client’s bedroom in particular felt extremely heavy.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

A couple EVPs were captured during our interview, but most of them were inaudible. However, we did capture one that we believe says “I said you will be mine.”

No video evidence was found. However, our camcorder did mysteriously die two minutes into the interview.


Paranormal Level: Grade 1 - Subjective paranormal activity cannot be debunked and at least one piece of evidence has been collected and documented, either by EVP or photo/video.

Upon meeting the client and his family, we got a sense of the dynamics of the home. We felt that he did have a negative spiritual attachment; likely from indirectly opening his chakras. Neither of us had a sense that there was a demonic force attached to him.
However, it is important to note that after an energetic reading, some facts did not match. Some of the chakras that he believed were open were closed, and vice versa. We were unable to get a physical description of the entities inhabiting his chakras and we were unable to get any relevant names as well. His knowledge of the chakra system was limited, as most of what he was implying was not factual.
After the initial interview, we sat down to conduct a chakra balancing energy session with the client. We formed a circle (of trust) with him and connected our hands to seal off the circle from negative energy. The connection of the hands formed an energetic seal and allowed the current to travel freely. The client may not have been aware of which chakras were imbalanced, but we knew. I led the session, starting at the root chakra and working through the rest one at a time. The client would not trust us or let go until we reached the heart chakra. Here, his aura cried out for help, as he would not let go of Chris’ hand. This was a subconscious cue, as we don’t believe the client was even aware he was doing it.
But after the meditation and chakra balancing, he felt lighter. From our perspective, it worked. A second energy reading told us that he was now balanced and his aura was brighter. We assured him that whatever he believed was attacking him was not in control.

This case received a ‘Grade 1’ rating because we could not definitively prove anything. The majority of the EVPs we got were inaudible. However, the one Class A EVP was relevant to the subjective claims of the client.


Case Closed

We are currently still in contact with the client. We recommended that he continue to seek medical advice and psychiatric counseling while addressing the issue he believes he is facing with the paranormal. We have given him instructions and exercises to follow that will continue to assist him in balancing his aura. As long as he stays positive and sticks to the plan, he will find himself on the path of healing.

We were told that the client was diagnosed with a psychiatric condition and that he is continuing medical and spiritual counseling. If more paranormal issues arise, we will be there. For now, it is important that the family sticks to his treatment.

Private Residence

Somers, CT - July 09, 2018

The clients called us for several reasons. The first thing they wanted done was a house cleansing followed by a reading. When Chris showed up to perform the reading, he became intrigued by the barn.

The reports below summarize our experiences.

Empath Report:

Author: David Bray

We first met Kevin and Ada, of Somers, CT, at one of our “The Truth Behind Investigating the Unknown” presentations. At the end of our lecture, Chris ended up giving Ada a reading and he was asked to perform a private reading at their home.
Several weeks later, Chris drove over to Kevin and Ada’s house to perform the reading. Chris wanted me to attend, but I had to work that day, so I told him to let me know how it went.
After Chris’ visit, he came back and told us that we had to go back. Another visit was necessary for two reasons: a house cleansing needed to be done, and we had to investigate the barn on the property. So, we booked the return visit.
Prior to the case, I was told no information from Chris other than an empath was needed. When we arrived, I got a sense of the surroundings. Kevin, Ada, and her daughter live next door to Kevin’s mother and father. There is an old cemetery just over the hill behind their house, and the barn is located in the backyard of the parents’ house. The barn seemed old, but from a distance, I couldn’t get an accurate read on it. Other than that, the property seemed positive in nature.
After introductions, we sat with the family and talked. I picked up on the sense that there was an interesting dynamic between Ada and her daughter. I opted to speak with Kevin and Ada separately, so I headed downstairs to do so one at a time while Chris stayed upstairs with the other. I discovered that there was a family history of Santeria and that their daughter was in Puerto Rico for a time, on her own. At one point, a private investigator was even hired to assist the family with locating her.
After reading both Ada and her daughter’s chakras, I could see that they were on two different pages with their energies. For example, Ada would be overstimulated or jitsu in her throat chakra (the center for expression and communication) when her daughter would be deficient or kyo.
Energy is much like anything else in life, it prefers balance. If one person’s energy level is too high whereas the others is too low, it can lead to clashes, fights, and general disagreements. If both parties want to communicate effectively, then Ada needs to come down a notch and her daughter needs to come up a notch and express her feelings more. Once their energies are closer together, they will balance out accordingly.
Please note that I am skipping a majority of the empathic reading due to client confidentiality as it contains a lot of personal information.
Once the readings were done, we began the house blessing. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a priest or religious clergy member to do this. If your faith is true, you can accomplish anything in His name.
During the house cleansing procedure, we used Holy Water, prayers, and good intent, for that is truly all that is needed. We walked the house room by room until we felt the energy shift into a more positive light. When we were done, we walked over to the parents’ house next door to meet back up with Kevin and Ada, who were waiting for us to finish up.
When we arrived, I noticed a bluish color emanating from Pam’s throat chakra. Now, unbeknownst to me, the first time Chris visited, he also performed a reading on them and noted that Pam’s aura was presenting itself as blue as well.
We walked over to the barn that Chris said we had to investigate. It was very old and there was music playing. I was told that Pam plays music for the spirits in the barn, which she believes are children. Upon entering, I noted certain words which came to me: loft, accident, purple, and game. Of course, in the moment I had no idea what these words meant, but over the course of the night, it was put together quite nicely.
Pam led us to what she calls the “secret room.” It is actually a loft which houses all of her Halloween decorations. She has it made up beautifully which I can genuinely appreciate since Halloween is by far the best holiday. So, we all sat down, grabbed the spirit box and audio recorder, and began an EVP session in the secret room.
Chris immediately began picking up on a boy he called Josiah. Now, prior to beginning our session, I took note of two energies in particular, a young male and a young female. When Chris started asking Josiah to come forward, I knew I was on the right path.
While Chris was asking questions to the spirits present, I began to take pictures. We will do this to help validate any communication we may receive through the spirit box or audio recorder. Once Chris asked Josiah to come forward, I caught a glimpse of a light anomaly. The photo was taken in burst mode and I could not recreate the photo in any way.

As Chris continued his questioning, I couldn’t help but feel as if there were children present, playing a game of “Hide and Seek.” This feeling brought me back to the word game that I received upon entering the barn. Did Josiah die here while playing a game? Did he fall from the loft? I kept visualizing a boy falling onto stacks of hay. But still, I had no idea who he was, or what Chris knew about him.
Suddenly, Chris asked if a young girl named Heather would come forward. My first reaction was “Who?” I had no idea who this girl was, but figured she was the young female spirit I sensed earlier. When the spirit box began to chime back responses in the voice of a little girl, I put two and two together. Heather was Pam’s daughter who died from leukemia many years ago. I believe she was around 7 or 8. She greeted us with “Hi” and a “Hi Mom” to her mother. At one point, she even seemed to be telling Josiah that “It’s okay” to come forward and speak with us.
However, none of these responses came until Chris asked, “Heather, what’s your favorite color?” - and I already knew the response. I received it earlier. Not moments later, Heather responded with “Purple.”

A little later on, Pam asked Heather if she was playing with friends on the other side, to which she responded that she was. I started taking more pictures and captured a similar photo to the one I got earlier, only this time it was right on Pam’s back.

To us, this photo is just further proof that Heather came forward that night.
Once our goodbyes were said to Heather and Josiah, we exited the barn and the three of us went outside. Come to find out, Chris believes Josiah was a boy who was playing “Hide and Seek” or “Tag” with his sister when he climbed up a rope with a pulley, possibly to get away. He lost his grip, looked down, and noticed stacks of hay on the ground and thought he would be safe.

However, what he didn’t know was that there was a hay grapple hook laying in the stacks and fell onto it. He died later the next day.
Chris’ vision of this incident is to me, validation that the feelings and words I received were accurate. It is quite amazing how two separate people with different gifts can draw similar conclusions about events that may have happened hundreds of years ago. In this case, Josiah probably lived during the early 19th century.
Once we reconvened with the family, it was evident that we made a positive impression. We can say without a shadow of a doubt that we are extremely grateful for the opportunity to do this line of work and we are so glad we could help to reunite a grieving mother with her daughter, even for a brief moment.
It was and is a nice change from the majority of cases we receive – mostly dealing with malevolent entities and confusing dynamics. We are truly blessed to have met this family and be able to work with them, and we wish them well with all their future endeavors.

Medium Report 1:

Author: Chris O'Connor

I arrived at approximately 5:00 PM and we all met at Ada’s in-laws, Frank and Pam’s home. The introductions were done, and the session began.
Prior to the visit, I received visions of the number 5. Also, as the number 5 showed backwards. I experienced two physical signs on my way to Ada’s. One, I had an odd coughing fit. It came out of nowhere and lasted a short time. I also experienced arm pain.
I had asked about the physical signs and no one admitted to any of the symptoms. After the reading, Ada confessed for Frank and Pam. Pam has had a continuing cough in which Ada has been insisting she get checked out. Frank was experiencing arm pain due to a fall earlier in the day.
While speaking with Pam, she emanated a blue aura. The blue aura relates to the throat and thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, a sensitive, and an intuitive. She also had blue butterflies above her head. The butterfly itself indicates rebirth or a transcendent period in one’s life. Blue butterflies, in some cultures, are believed to be wish granters as well.
The first spirit visitor was Frank’s stepmother, Ann. She seemed annoyed because there were no tulips.  She wanted to know what happened to the tulips. Apparently, Frank mowed them down. Ann also made a stern statement to Pam saying, “Let him eat what he wants.” Pam has been watching Frank’s diet under medical advice.
Ada’s family started to come forward after. One of the aunts were claiming to me, “We want our turn.  You are supposed to be here for us.”
Ada’s aunts and mother were all speaking over each other. They all feel that Ada needs to move her life path to something else. She needs to work with families, she needs to be a nurse, she needs to be more.  Then Ada’s dad stepped forward. Ada’s dad appeared shorter but very fit. A strong person in strength and in personality. His word was gospel. The women in the family could make suggestions but when it came down to it, Ada’s dad made the decisions. He stated, “Ada had a legal mind, she needs to do that.”
I received a vision of the number 25. The number 25 was associated with a sports number and a young male. The number 25 was Ada’s son’s basketball team number. He was mad because he could not have the number 23 (Michael Jordan’s number) so his coach gave him the closest number instead. Ada’s mom watches him play basketball.
Ada’s mom also asked about the young female’s (granddaughter) lower leg injury. I believe she also has the number 25 for a team number. The statements from Ada’s mom regarding her grandchildren are validations that she visits and checks in from time to time.
I think the most important person who came forward was Heather. Heather is Pam and Frank’s daughter that passed from cancer as a young girl.
The vision started off with the color of purple, lilac to be exact. I asked what the meaning of the color was and both Pam and Frank indicated that it was their daughter’s favorite color. Heather showed herself as a vibrant little girl. She was twirling her hair with her fingers and was downright sassy. Pam validated that I was describing Heather. She always led the way. When there were games to play, she was the leader.  Heather wanted to thank her parents for keeping her dolls. She was particularly happy that Ada’s daughter Trinity plays with them. Heather does interact with Trinity often and is looking forward to when Ada’s youngest daughter can come and play too.
Heather wanted her mom to know that when she feels a brush across her face or when her dad feels pressure on his lap, that’s her. Heather has never left them. She knows Heaven and she walks with the angels.
This reading was awesome. I hope that the messages I received and delivered were helpful. The family has asked for some further assistance and my team and I are happy to help.

Medium Report 2:

Author: Chris O'Connor

We were asked to come back to perform a house cleansing/blessing.  Also, to speak directly to their oldest daughter. Ada stated that the home seemed unbalanced and felt it was affecting her daughter.
My intention was for Dave to sit with their daughter and use his gifts as a psychic empath and energy worker. That was not to be. Ada’s daughter was very standoffish towards the group. She is 17 and displayed typical teenage behavior. I was able to speak with her and little by little she opened up. She asked a lot of questions about the paranormal and my gift of mediumship. Once she was into the conversation, she jumped on a social media site and began to brag about having a paranormal group at her home. 
While I was speaking with Ada’s daughter, Dave and Melissa toured the home given by Ada. I am going to refer you to Dave’s report for his findings.
It was time to perform the house cleansing and blessing. We asked for the family to go next door to Kevin’s parent’s house and we would meet them there. We went through the house and blessed it with religious prayer and Holy Water. Once that was completed, we joined Ada and Kevin at his parents’ home.
The second part of our visit was to investigate the 200-year-old barn that was on the property. It was a large building with three specific areas. There was Frank’s workshop in the front of the barn. There was a large open area that was used for storage and there was a loft area. The loft area is where Pam has set up an area to display her collection of Halloween and other spooky items. She also plays children’s music for any potential spirits.
Melissa, Dave, and I went to the loft and was joined by Pam and Ada. We didn’t go with much equipment. Just a recorder, spirit box, and a video camera. Dave and Mel used the camera from their cell phones as well.
I went to the rail and instantly saw a male spirit come forward and he told me his name was Josiah. Josiah was a young man from the early 19th century, maybe 17 or 18 years old. Josiah died due to a freak accident. He was running from his sister in a game of tag or hide and seek. He attempted to climb up a rope that was on a pulley. He lost his grip and fell backwards into a hay pile. He thought he would be safe, but he fell on a large hook used to carry hay bales. The injury did not kill him right away, but he died the next day.
There was also spirit box activity. Please refer to the evidence report. However, I do want to mention one part of the spirit box session.
Heather, Pam’s daughter came forward. I asked Pam if Heather was allowed in the loft and she stated yes. I asked Heather to come closer so that we may speak to her. She seemed intimidated at first, but she eventually came close. There were a few attempts to get her to speak through the spirit box. It was when I asked Heather, “What was your favorite color?” that she replied, “Purple.” This made all of us very excited, especially Pam. It was more validation that Heather visits her parents. Heather was also able to say, “I love you” and “Goodbye.” Please refer to the evidence report for the full conversation.
Again, this was an amazing evening for our team and more so for Pam and Ada. They were able to hear Heather and found comfort that she was near.

Private Residence

South Windsor, CT - March 07, 2020

The clients called us in an attempt to figure out what was haunting them in their home. The mother and daughter have a very close relationship and were both being afflicted by strange activity - sexual assaults, feelings of being watched, seeing shadows, and other physical attacks. There was also a connection to a previous exorcism.

Subjective Claims:

Coming soon.

Felt a sense of urgency upon arriving to the house. Received a vision of a grinning man in a suit with a Cheshire cat smile who likes to watch the clients during private moments. Feelings that the entity who sexually assaults one of the clients likes the control, i.e. likes to be dominant and “punish” her – possibly to get to her mother. While sitting in the mother's bedroom, received an image of a man watching her sleep from the corner behind the door. Wrote down that there is something from the mother’s past that is important and explains why the entity was brought to the home. Someone/Something is broken or separated in some way. Received a vision of a centaur and a hermaphroditic entity, possibly a shapeshifter. Felt that something or someone is/was missing – there are family ties. Through a chakral reading, discovered that mother’s crown and sacral chakras were wide open. Feels that the entity’s name has a -ph or -th sound in it. Received a vision of a dagger with a Wiccan connotation.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

Several EVPs and Spirit Box responses were found and noted. As this case is still ongoing, we are withholding more information.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 – Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box or other item responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

TBD. This case is currently ongoing.


Case Closed

We are still working with one of the clients who still lives in the home. The daughter recently moved out and activity has died down significantly for her. This case is now more spiritual counseling than anything.

Private Residence

Stonington, CT - January 09, 2021

One of our former team members contacted the team and asked if we would investigate the home of one of her co-workers. Of course, we obliged.

The family reported claims of seeing shadows, hearing voices, and experienced doors opening/closing on their own.

Medium Report:

Author: Chris O'Connor

Coming Soon...

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

A couple Spirit Box responses were noted, but nothing of extreme significance. They were intelligent, but not related as far as we know.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 1 - Subjective paranormal activity cannot be debunked and at least one piece of evidence has been collected and documented, either by EVP or photo/video.

Coming Soon.


Case Closed

Chris is meeting with the family to educate and empower them further. There is nothing malevolent in the home and they do not need to be afraid. We are currently researching the property to see if we can come up with anything definitive for them to validate their experiences.

Private Residence

Torrington, CT - July 16, 2017

The client called us believing that she had a spirit visiting her and wanted to know who it might be. She had several experiences, but didn't know if it was specifically targeting her or if it was stemming from the house.

Subjective Claims:

He received several visions while waiting to enter the home: a curly-haired older woman fixing a young girl's hair, the nickname "pootchka," a foreign male who did not want his story told, a family member's death, the colors blue and white repeating, and an angel taking an infant back to heaven. While in the home, a male spirit was present.

He received the name "Joe" during a Spirit Box session.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

Only two Spirit Box responses were noted, with relevance to the case.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 2 – Objective findings include evidence of an EVP in direct relationship with a photo or video. The Spirit Box or other item responds to direct questions with relevancy to the history of the residence and/or the occupants (including the paranormal team).

This case was more of a reading than an investigation. When we arrived, we discovered that the home was a place for people rehabilitating from substance abuse. Therefore, we had to situate ourselves at the kitchen table downstairs and stay there as not to interrupt others.

The night consisted mostly of Chris talking with the client and finding answers. The only piece of information I got personally was the name Joe, which came through the Spirit Box shortly after. As it turns out, Joe was the client's ex-husband who committed suicide. 


Case Closed

We were able to find answers for the client as to who was trying to send her messages and why. Since then, she is doing much better. So much in fact, that she recently joined us on an investigation in Waterbury.

Private Residence

Trumbull, CT - May 24, 2019

We received a call from the client with claims of very unusual activity. According to her, a demon or malevolent spirit was sexually assaulting her whenever she would go to sleep, but mainly through anal penetration. She was scared and claimed to also hear voices, see shadows, and experience constant anxiety over the situation.

Subjective Claims:

He did not believe there was paranormal activity occurring except for deceased relatives of the clients coming forward regarding certain situations.

No subjective experiences of any kind.

Objective Findings:

No photographic evidence was found.

Some Spirit Box responses were found, but nothing of relevance.

No video evidence was found.


Paranormal Level: Grade 1 - Subjective paranormal activity cannot be debunked and at least one piece of evidence has been collected and documented, either by EVP or photo/video.

Our first thought with this case was "How do we possibly investigate this?" The client's claims of being sexually assaulted were near-impossible to prove unless one of us witnessed it firsthand. We had a female investigator take pictures of the client's legs before we started just in case any scratches or injuries appeared during our visit, and we kept an eye on her at all times.

We asked her boyfriend whether he could be hurting her during intercourse and he said no. In fact, he was completely unaware of the supposed scratches on his girlfriend's legs/inner thighs. She exclaimed that it mostly happened whenever he was sleeping next to her at night. So something didn't make sense.

Upon further investigation, we discovered that the client stole items from a known haunted bed & breakfast here in Connecticut, as well as from other places. The items were no longer there either, as they got rid of them before we received the case. We also discovered a history of physical and mental trauma. Since Chris and I did not have very many subjective experiences and our equipment didn't gather any evidence, we can only conclude that this case was psychological in nature.

We believed that if a spirit was truly raping someone, there would be physical damage to the victim. That was not the case here, so we can only assume a psychosomatic etiology.


Case Closed

The last time we checked in with the client, things were better. We hope that we gave them the tools needed to alleviate their situation and move on to bigger and better things.

Eastern Connecticut Paranormal Society
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